1000 Songs/Light is arisen upon the just (Ephriam of Syria)

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Light is arisen upon the just (Ephrem of Syria)

1000 Songs

The text of Light is arisen upon the just was written by Ephriam of Syria. It is a Syriac hymn originally written in the Syriac Language,a dialect of Middle Aramaic. The poem in its entirety forms an acrostic spelling "Jesus Christ" in it's original language. A common translation of the hymn is provided below, but there are others that do exist.


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Light is arisen upon the just
And joy for those who are broken-hearted
Jesus Our Lord the Christ
Has appeared to us from the bosom of His Father;
He has come to deliver us from darkness,
And to illumine us with his resplendent light

Editor's Choice

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Editor's Choice

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Ephriam of Syria or Ephrem the Syria (spelled either way), was born circa A.D. 306 in the town of Nisibis (present day Turkey). Christianity was illegal in the Roman Empire until the Edict of Milan in A.D. 313, put forth by Constantine I. Ephrem became an educator and a deacon in Nisibi, and as part of his educational duties began writing. He is accredited for starting the School of Nisibis. Over 400 writings of Ephrem's are still in existence today, and it is plausible many of his works have been lost or destroyed throughout the years.

Author biography

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Author's circumstances

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Historical setting

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Cultural setting

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