1000 Songs/I stretched out my hands and approached my Lord (ode 42)

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I stretched out my hands and approached my Lord (ode 42)

1000 Songs

This text is believed to have been taken from a book of odes written around 100 A.D. This large Syriac manuscript was discovered in 1909 by Dr. J. Rendel Harris. He translated it into English and published it under the title Odes and Psalms of Solomon (although they do not bear much resemblance to odes). For more detailed information about this book, see The New Archaeological Discoveries and Their Bearing Upon the New Testament by Camden McCormack Cobern. It is believed that they were originally written in Greek or Aramaic.


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Dr. J. Rendel Harris (whose translation can be found above) and James Charlesworth whose translation can be found here.

Editor's Choice

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I prefer Harris' translation simply because of the textual rhythm and traditional language used. Contextually I would have no preference.


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There is a project called The Odes Project that is striving to take the Odes of Solomon and adapt them for modern worship. The texts are remaining relatively true to the original English translations and musically they sound like modern worship songs. Here is one example of Ode 42 in this project. This particular arrangement uses a beautifully written piano underscore.

During the time in which these odes or psalms were written, they were most likely sung or chanted. However, none of the original tunes have survived, as they were most likely passed down orally.


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Editor's Choice

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Author biography

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Author's circumstances

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Historical setting

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Cultural setting

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