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South Africa Workshop for Social Entrepreneurship - 2008/Reflections/Setting the Tone

From Wikiversity

Kim outlined how we would be spending our time together during these two days.

The event is about:

  • Community building.
    • Taking the opportunity to get to know each other.
    • Interaction and sharing by all, rather than presentation by a few.
  • Collaborative creative thinking
    • ... towards co-creation of a social entrepreneurship network of students, educators and community workers.
  • Sowing the seeds of collaborative action
    • defining the objectives of this community.

The structure of these interactions is indicated in the structure of the Reflections page.

The initiative as a whole is about:

  • developing social entrepreneurs through networks of people in learning institutions, community based organisations, etc., incorporating practical experience in community-led initiatives in the context of a technology enhanced and increasingly connected world.

Some words, phrases and concepts to add to your vocabulary and incorporate in our modus operandum: