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About Me

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I am a third year psychology student at the University of Canberra, currently studying a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, majoring in counselling studies. I am in my final semester of my undergraduate course and am aiming to continue my studies next year by undertaking honours. Due to having a passion for children with additional needs my goal is to then study my masters, with the possibility of specialising in school psychology. My current and future career aspirations can be seen through my e-portfolio. This semester I am studying Motivation and Emotion at the University of Canberra and am developing a book chapter within the Motivation and Emotion Book.


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In between my studies i enjoy:

  • Exploring national parks on horseback
  • Spending time with my pets
  • Skiing in winter

Book chapter I'm working on

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I am working on the autism spectrum disorder and emotional regulation chapter. This chapter aims to explore the struggle between ASD and emotional regulation and assess the relationship between these two constructs. Through the exploration of emotion theories this chapter outlines how and why ASD impacts on emotional regulation.

Social Contributions

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  1. Sunday, 30th August 2020, 5:54pm: Suggested to look into the stability of research over time between epigenetic and emotional wellbeing (for book chapter: Epigenetic impacts on emotional well-being)
  2. Sunday, 30th August 2020, 6:06pm: Suggested creating a table comparing the differences between poor and good ageing in relation to emotion regulation (for book chapter: Emotion regulation and ageing)
  3. Sunday, 11th October 2020, 4:20pm: Suggested to add real world case study examples of programs that have worked in the past and to find ways the techniques used could be expanded (for book chapter: Indigenous Australian education and work motivation)
  4. Wednesday, 14th October 2020, 11:30am: Suggested to look into research about dark triad, emotional intelligence and job satisfaction as a practical example and added a reference for a guide (for book chapter: Dark triad personality and emotion)
  5. Wednesday, 14th October 2020, 2:00pm: Suggested too create a table for definitions instead of seperate parts and gave link of how to create them in APA style (for book chapter: TV binge-watching motivation)
  6. Wednesday, 14th October 2020, 2:10pm: Corrected grammar and spelling within quiz questions (for book chapter: Emotion regulation and culture)
  7. Wednesday, 14th October 2020, 2:15pm: Suggested to add external links throughout chapter for ease of reading (for book chapter: Music and study)
  8. Friday, 16th October 2020, 10:15pm: Suggested to place focus questions into dot-points with a title for clarity (for book chapter: Religious motivation)
  9. Friday, 16th October 2020, 10:25pm: Suggested to move a figure for to improve the visual aspects of the chapter and suggested an edit for the overview (for book chapter: Sympathy)
  10. Saturday, 17th October 2020, 12:00: Due to having alot of small sections i suggested combined three sections into one and demonstrated how i would do this (for book chapter: Fundamental attribution error and emotion)
  11. Saturday, 17th October 2020, 12:12pm: Reminded to add page numbers for a direct quote and suggested to add examples within a section looking at strategies and suggested adding some information about cultural impacts and added a link to a reference about this (for book chapter: Positive emotion)
  12. Saturday, 17th October 2020, 8:35pm: Provided detailed feedback about small improvements, such as referencing and also suggested adding a smaller section that readers can interact with in regards to mindfulness techniques, and provided link that could help with this (for book chapter: Emotion regulation and ageing)
  13. Saturday, 17th October 2020, 8:50pm: Suggested small improvements such as separating paragraphs but also ideas for content improvement such as case studies or making up an example for practical use (for book chapter: Gamification and educational motivation)
  14. Saturday, 17th October 2020, 9:10pm: Researched into influence of culture on subjective wellbeing and suggested to add this into the chapter as research suggests that culture does have an impact. Also suggested adding a case study when describing the interaction between the two terms (for book chapter: Subjective well-being)
  15. Saturday, 17th October 2020, 9:25pm: Proof read chapter and suggested to add more external links to theories that are spoken about once, add some references into the factual information and to include images. Also suggested rewording a sentence and gave an example for how to. (for book chapter: Cancer screening motivation)
  16. Saturday, 17th October 2020, 9:55pm: Suggested small grammar improvements and to look at the influence of social influence and reinforcement on the maintenance of conspiracy theories beliefs. (for book chapter: Conspiracy theory motivation)


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  1. Saturday, 10th October 2020, 6:26pm: Replied to a discussion question on canvas by suggesting a link to a useful wikipedia page about letter casing.
  2. Thursday, 15th October 2020, 4:10pm: Replied to a discussion question about the word count for the book chapter and added a link to the book chapter guidelines.