User:Recovery Psychology

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Facts that prompted the idea of recovery psychology

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  1. Fact: The word "recovery" does not mean the same as "remission" (it's a idealistic and revolutionary way of looking at clinical disorders)
  1. Fact: Sciences and Services have been focused on remission and are being changed to focus on recovery
  2. Fact: There is a socio-political movement behind this change (identity politics)
  1. Fact: There has been a large number of psychologists and psychiatrists who have claimed themselves to have "recovered" from psychological disorders (mental illness)
  1. Fact: as a result of the above there have been theories about recovery developed

Facts that are apparent from researching recovery as a psychology project

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  1. Fact: There is no supply of services for the fully recovered implies there is no demand...meaning no large or great number of persons recovered since becoming U.S. policy in 2002 (i.e. disability lawyers to get disability, no recovery lawyers to get off of disability)
  1. Fact: Conformity can be used in place of the word of recovery in most recovery literature...Conformity does not mean the same thing as "cure"...Conformity is a process not a destination...since abnormal or mentally ill is mostly a social distinction, and recovery is just another style of conformity under the main doctrine of recovery...there would be nothing to study from a psychological prespective

The concept of "Recovery" is a significant change in thinking, like moving from believing the world is flat and studying clinical psychology and then finding out that the world is really round.

User Boxes

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psyc This users is a student of Psychology.
en This user is a native English speaker.

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@This user can be reached by email.
This user loves Wikiversity.
This user lives in the state of Arizona.
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GXThis user is a member of Generation X.
This user is interested in psychology
This user works in psychiatric rehabilitation.
PSYThis user is an Advocate for Mental Health Recovery
This user is only interested in religion as a sociological and psychological phenomenon.
This user asks "Who is John Galt?"