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About me

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My name is Gabriella and my heritage is Italian. I enjoy reading, the wonder and awe of being out in nature, and experincing the joy of watching and being a part of someone learning journey, especially in my occupation as an Early Childhood Educator.

I am currently studying at the University of Canberra, completing my final year of a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. The unit I am undertaking is Motivation and Emotion.

Book chapter

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I am working on the book chapter Flourishing - What is flourishing and how can it happen? I chose this topic because I would love to create environments where people are able to flourish. My goal for this book chapter is to helping others understanding what it takes to make their lives as nutrient rich as possible for optimal flourishing to occur.

I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions for improvement - please post on my chapter talk page.

Social contributions

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I have made the following contributions:

Book Chapters

  1. 18:40, 15 August 2018: Copy and pasted the Chapter Template and added a starter reference under the references heading to: What is ego depletion, how does it affect motivation, and how can it be managed? (Book Chapter 2018)
  2. 11:50, 2 September 2018: Edited the first reference, by removing the issue number and using quotation marks to make the journal and volume number in italics as an example and gave instructions on how to change the rest of the references. To the Book Chapter: Hidden costs of reward - What are the hidden costs of motivating by reward?
  3. 17:30, 16 September 2018: I added the wikipedia link to Self Determination Theory under it's heading. And said, I found the link helpful. To the Book Chapter: Hidden costs of reward - What are the hidden costs of motivating by reward?
  4. 11:30, 18 September 2018: Edited an external links from URL address to a hyperlink of the URL address and in the dicuss section explained how to hyperlink words to external sources throughout the book chapter. To the 2018 Book Chapter: Hidden costs of reward - What are the hidden costs of motivating by reward?
  5. 12:50, 23 September 2018: Fixed a grammatical error in the introduction and edited a sentence in the conclusion. To the Book Chapter: Emotion regulation in children - How do children learn to regulate their emotions?
  6. 13:10, 23 September 2018: I added the wikipedia link to Self Determination Theory under it's heading. And said, I found the link helpful. To the Book Chapter: What is ego depletion, how does it affect motivation, and how can it be managed? (Book Chapter 2018)
  7. 19:20, 01 October 2018: Edited the first 2 paragraphs of the book chapter: Motivation and emotion/Book/2017/Positive thinking as a cause of emotional problems.
  8. 18:30, 13 October 2018: Edited and reworded the first two paragraphs of the overview.  I also added suggestions for where they may need references to make the sentence factual.  To the Book Chapter: Motivation and emotion/Book/2018/Compliments, emotion, and motivation
  9. 18:50, 13 October 2018: Discussed the changes I made to the book chapter and provided the link if they would like to review the changes. To the Book Chapter: Compliments, emotion, and motivation: What is the effect of giving and receiving compliments on emotion and motivation?
  10. 16:40, 14 October 2018: Added my Book Chapter as a link under the heading Also see. To the Book Chapter: Eudaimonic well-being: Why it matters more than happiness?
  11. 10:05, 15 October 2018: Edited grammar and added a text box for the focus questions. To the Book Chapter: 2018/Sensation seeking and rock climbing.
  12. 10:10, 15 October 2018: Edited the first paragraph of the overview into 3 paragraphs.  There was a lot of info to take in at once.  Also, corrected some grammatical errors and edited some of the sentences. To the Book Chapter: 2018/Sensation seeking and rock climbing.
  13. 10:40, 15 October 2018: Fixed grammatical and spelling errors through out the book chapter. To the Book Chapter: 2018/Sensation seeking and rock climbing.
  14. 14:20, 15 October 2018: Added my Book Chapter to the "Also see" section of the 2017 Book Chapter Meaning and happiness.
  15. 14:27, 15 October 2018: Corrected an error I made. I changed to the "Also see" section to alphabetical order after adding my book chapter in the wrong place. To the 2017 Book Chapter Meaning and happiness.
  16. 10:48, 16 October 2018 I changed the internal links to just their title and where they are from, by finding the links and adding w: to the being of the title of each page, instead of having the whole URL link. I also move the external links to after the References. To the 2018 Book Chapter Emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness.
  17. 11:24, 16 October 2018: Edited the most of the references by eliminating issues no.'s, doi: infront of the url address and second letter in names of jounnal authors, also added 2 single quotation marks to make the words in italics and corrected other errors, took notes and made suggestions for how to improve their references to the author of the book chapter in the their Discussion post. To the 2018 Book Chapter: Emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness.
  18. 08:54, 17 October 2018: Corrected minor grammatical errors in the book chapter. To the 2018 Book Chapter: Guilt and empathy.
  19. 09:20, 17 October 2018: Edited a hyper link to normal text as it did not have a URL address. To the Wikiversity page defining operationalisation.
  20. 08:19, 18 October 2018: Went through the whole book chapter including references and correct errors, including grammatical and spelling. To the 2018 Book Chapter: Childhood neglect and emotion.
  21. 08:20, 18 October 2018: Informed the author about the changes I made and a correction she may need to follow up. To the 2018 Book Chapter: Childhood neglect and emotion.
  22. 13:08, 19 October 2018: Correct spacing and added a sentence to introduce the definitions section. To the 2017 Book Chapter: Feedback and career development.
  23. 19:15, 19 October 2018: Correct errors in the text and in the references. To the 2018 Book Chapter: Anorexia nervosa and intrinsic motivation.
  24. 10:28, 20 October 2018: Made some minor corrections to the references. To the 2018 Book Chapter: Anorexia nervosa and intrinsic motivation.
  25. 10:37, 20 October 2018: Made suggestions on how to correct the references to APA style. To the 2018 Book Chapter: Anorexia nervosa and intrinsic motivation.
  26. 11:09, 20 October 2018: Edited references to updated APA style. To the 2018 Book Chapter: Chronic pain and maladaptive behaviour.
  27. 11:27, 20 October 2018: Made suggestions to improve references to correct APA format. To the 2018 Book Chapter: Chronic pain and maladaptive behaviour.
  28. 11:44, 20 October 2018: Added more information to three figure descriptions to relate them to the text. To the 2018 Book Chapter: Chronic pain and maladaptive behaviour.
  29. 11:53, 20 October 2018: Addressed improving image captions by linking them to text text more. To the 2018 Book Chapter: Chronic pain and maladaptive behaviour.
  30. 12:20, 20 October 2018: Edited references to removed issue no.'s from references to adhere to current APA format. To the 2018 Book Chapter: Gender fluidity motivation.
  31. 11:19, 21 October 2018: Minor edits to conclusion. To the 2018 Book Chapter: Outdoor education and the self.
  32. 01:28, 29 October 2018: Corrected grammatical and spelling errors. To the 2011 Book Chapter: Eudaimonic well-being.
  33. 01:44, 29 October 2018: Minor edits throughout the book chapter. To the 2017 Book Chapter: Meaning and happiness.


  1. 12:40, 18 September 2018: The effect our expectations could have on others can be profound.
  2. 12:30, 23 September 2018: An interesting read on why positive social connections are important, especially on the brain and healthy aging. #emot18
  3. 16:40, 02 October 2018: This guides helps you in addressing and owning your own emotions to set healthy boundaries.
  4. 15:00, 18 October 2018: An interesting read on how lack of sleep can takes it's toll.


  1. 19:00, 13 October 2018: I responded to the request for assistance in editing their book chapter and let the person know of the suggestions and changes made to their book chapter. To the Book Chapter: 2018/Compliments, emotion, and motivation
  2. 17:14, 14 October 2018: Suggested how to access your Book Chapter word count from the Wikiversity Search Results page.
  3. 10:50, 15 October 2018: I responded to the request for assistance in editing their book chapter and let the person know of the suggestions and changes made to their book chapter. I also responded to their question on their use of technical language. To the Book Chapter: 2018/Sensation seeking and rock climbing.
  4. 09:20, 16 October 2018: After reading Amy's post on using the search bar to find the word count.  I also found that it significantly undercounted how many words I had. Therefore, I edited my post to include this information.
  5. 11:24, 16 October 2018: I responded to the request for assistance in editing their book chapter and let the person know of the suggestions and changes made to their book chapter and provided information on how to edited their references in the future and how to hyperlink internal links instead of using the URL address. To the 2018 Book Chapter: Emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness.
  6. 09:02, 17 October 2018: I responded to the request for assistance in editing their book chapter and provided information and feedback. To the 2018 Book Chapter: Guilt and empathy.
  7. 07:37, 18 October 2018: Made the suggestion of adding your Book Chapter to other related Book Chapters.
  8. 10:53, 20 October 2018: In response to URKUND not seeming to work, I provided a link to a free online plagiarism-checker.
  9. 11:19, 21 October 2018: Added to the dicussion on URKUND not working.
  10. 11:19, 21 October 2018: I responded to the request for assistance in editing their book chapter and let the person know of the changes.