Writing a Eulogy

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Crafting a eulogy is a meaningful and important task.[1] The most impactful eulogies are those that authentically capture the essence of the person being remembered.

Understanding the Basics:

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  • What is a Eulogy?
    • A eulogy is a speech or piece of writing that celebrates and commemorates the life of a person who has passed away. It is often delivered during a funeral or memorial service.
  • Purpose of a Eulogy:
    • The primary purpose is to honor and remember the deceased, celebrating their life, achievements, and the impact they had on others.
    • It provides an opportunity for friends and family to find comfort and closure.

Identifying the Beneficiaries:

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  • Who Benefits?
    • Writer: The process of writing a eulogy can be therapeutic for the writer, helping them reflect on positive aspects of the person's life.
    • Speaker: Delivering a eulogy allows the speaker to share memories, express grief, and offer comfort to others.
    • Audience: Listeners benefit by gaining insight into the person's life and finding solace in shared memories.

Content of a Eulogy:

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  • Personal Anecdotes: Share stories that highlight the person's character, values, and accomplishments.
  • Qualities and Achievements: Discuss the positive attributes and achievements of the deceased.
  • Impact on Others: Describe how the person influenced and touched the lives of those around them.
  • Humor: Appropriately incorporate humor, as it can lighten the mood and celebrate the person's sense of joy.

Typical Structure:

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  • Introduction:
    • Start with a brief introduction, expressing gratitude for attendees and acknowledging the purpose of the eulogy.
  • Personal Stories:
    • Share personal anecdotes that illustrate the individual's personality, kindness, and memorable moments.
  • Achievements and Values:
    • Discuss the person's accomplishments, values, and the principles they lived by.
  • Impact on Others:
    • Describe the impact the person had on family, friends, and the community.
  • Closing:
    • Conclude with a heartfelt message, expressing gratitude for the person's life and the impact they had on others.

Examples of Excellent Eulogies:

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  • Steve Jobs' Sister, Mona Simpson:
    • Mona Simpson's eulogy for Steve Jobs emphasized his humanity, love for his family, and his passion for creating groundbreaking products.[2]
  • Hunter S. Thompson's Eulogy by Johnny Depp:
    • Johnny Depp's eulogy for Hunter S. Thompson captured the eccentricity and free spirit of the renowned journalist and author.
  • Senator John McCain's Eulogy by Meghan McCain:
    • Meghan McCain's eulogy for her father, Senator John McCain, combined emotional reflections with powerful messages about his character and legacy.[3]

Additional Tips:

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  • Keep it Personal: Share genuine, personal stories that reflect the individual's character.
  • Mind the Tone: Strike a balance between reverence and celebration, adapting the tone to the wishes and personality of the deceased.
  • Practice Delivery: Practice delivering the eulogy to ensure a calm and composed delivery during the actual service.

Crafting a eulogy is a meaningful and important task. While examples can provide inspiration, the most impactful eulogies are those that authentically capture the essence of the person being remembered.


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  1. ChatGPT generated this text responding to the prompt: "Provide guidelines for writing an excellent eulogy that answers the following questions. What is a eulogy? What is the purpose of a eulogy? Who benefits from writing, delivering, and hearing a eulogy? What is the typical content of a eulogy? What is the typical structure of a eulogy? Also, please identify examples of excellent eulogies."
  2. A Sister’s Eulogy for Steve Jobs
  3. Read the Full Transcript of Meghan McCain's Eulogy for Her Father John McCain