World Cyber Cafe

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Our Collaboration Wiki

We've got a project to finish, and this site is a central point to keep track of our goals, the project schedule, and our work in progress. Add pages as necessary, brainstorm on the wiki "whiteboard" page, and use the person-to-person messaging feature to keep in touch with team members. Please use the Research page to record all of your observations on the software and gear candidates for our Virtual Cafe.

The Assignment

Project description: Project World Cyber Cafe is to research, discuss and choose the best software at low/no cost, to enable discussion over time or at time and among participants in any time zone anywhere in the world. Of course it requires a computer and other gear connected to a fast, broadband service. Our assignments are to examine the software and gear available, including email, forum, wiki, auto conferencing, video conferencing, whiteboards, chat and even Smail. We need a consistently reliable system, easy to understand, implement and administer.


The main goals are the same as The World Cafe = connecting people whip are problem solvers, teachers and learners. Also, we need a knowledge base. Recall the saying: "If Siemens only knew what Siemens knows...." What good is knowledge if we cannot easily find it? Wiki's are a good candidate because of the combination of search engines for key words (tags), yet they lack the spontaneity of a F2F physical group around a table. So the search goes on to find a way to maintain TWC's approach to interaction.

== Open invitation: ==

You are cordially invited to join World Cyber Cafe Design Team which is designing a digital system for holding Virtual Cafes. Please look around at the WikiWebSite wihch started the first week of July, 2008. Then leave your membership information (choose membership from the table, not the upper navigation bar) and then read our postings under Research. I'll send you an invitation to vote on the pending motions listed on the DRAFT PROPOSALS page. Please record your vote on the VOTING page. Please learn to use the Wiki by editing pages, adding comments, adding a page and voting on the two pending propositions. Thanks Jim Miller