Wise Affirmations/Coping with ego

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Humility is the realization that although we are each very special, we are nobody special.

The perception that our ego—our self—is somehow superior to others is only an illusion. We can learn to overcome this illusion and cope with our ego.

These affirmations are derived from materials in the course coping with ego.


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Select affirmations from this list and repeat them often and in the moment, either silently or out loud, as appropriate. Address each affirmation to yourself.

It’s not about you.

You are humble.

You are special.

You are nobody special.

The world changes you.

You change the world.

You challenge limiting beliefs.

You are responsible for the choices you make.

You eject introjected regulations.

You replace negative inner speech with positive inner speech.

You think useful thoughts.

Anxiety is only constructed in your head.

You change what you can change.

You accept what you cannot change.

You control your self.

You resist unhelpful impulses.

You observe your own ego.

You detach from your ego.

You stare back the thoughts before they lead to an ego rant.

You quell ego rants.

You extend compassion.

Your viewpoint is one among many.

You seek an accurate self-image.

You genuinely appreciate others’ achievements.

You quiet your self.

You see beyond the illusion of your superior self.

You seek real good.

You live wisely.