Wise Affirmations/Apologizing

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Apologize to express remorse and strengthen your relationships.

One of the most profound human interactions is the offering and accepting of apologies.

These affirmations are derived from materials in the course on apologizing.


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Select affirmations from this list and repeat them often and in the moment, either silently or out loud, as appropriate. Address each affirmation to yourself.

You apologize.

You apologize to show remorse.

You apologize to strengthen relationships.

You apologize to forestall vengeance.

You apologize to reconcile broken relationships.

You understand when to apologize.

You understand why you apologize.

You make full, sincere, and effective apologies.

You apologize to heal.

You accept personal responsibility in every apology.

You show remorse in every apology.

You offer an explanation in every apology.

You make no excuses.

You offer reparations in every apology.

You accept sincere apologies.

You choose wise paths of apology and forgiveness.

You seek real good.

You live wisely.

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Students interested in learning more about apologizing may be interested in the following materials:

  • Lazare, Aaron (November 3, 2005). On Apology. Oxford University Press. pp. 320. ISBN 978-0195189117.