Wireshark is a free and open source packet analyzer used for network troubleshooting and analysis. These activities will show you how to use Wireshark to capture and analyze HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) traffic.
[edit | edit source]To prepare for this activity:
- Start Windows.
- Log in if necessary.
- Install Wireshark.
Activity 1 - Capture HTTP Traffic
[edit | edit source]To capture HTTP traffic:
- Open a new web browser window or tab.
- Search the Internet for an http (rather than https) website.
- Start a Wireshark capture.
- Navigate to the website found in your search.
- Stop the Wireshark capture.
Activity 2 - Select Destination Traffic
[edit | edit source]To select destination traffic:
- Observe the traffic captured in the top Wireshark packet list pane. To view only HTTP traffic, type http (lower case) in the Filter box and press Enter.
- Select the first HTTP packet labeled GET /.
- Observe the destination IP address.
- To view all related traffic for this connection, change the filter to ip.addr == <destination>, where <destination> is the destination address of the HTTP packet.
Activity 3 - Analyze TCP Connection Traffic
[edit | edit source]To analyze TCP connection traffic:
- Observe the traffic captured in the top Wireshark packet list pane. The first three packets (TCP SYN, TCP SYN/ACK, TCP ACK) are the TCP three way handshake. Select the first packet.
- Observe the packet details in the middle Wireshark packet details pane. Notice that it is an Ethernet II / Internet Protocol Version 4 / Transmission Control Protocol frame.
- Expand Ethernet II to view Ethernet details.
- Observe the Destination and Source fields. The destination should be your default gateway's MAC address and the source should be your MAC address. You can use ipconfig /all and arp -a to confirm.
- Expand Internet Protocol Version 4 to view IP details.
- Observe the Source address. Notice that the source address is your IP address.
- Observe the Destination address. Notice that the destination address is the IP address of the HTTP server.
- Expand Transmission Control Protocol to view TCP details.
- Observe the Source port. Notice that it is a dynamic port selected for this HTTP connection.
- Observe the Destination port. Notice that it is http (80). Note that all of the packets for this connection will have matching MAC addresses, IP addresses, and port numbers.
Activity 4 - Analyze HTTP Request Traffic
[edit | edit source]To analyze HTTP request traffic:
- Observe the traffic captured in the top Wireshark packet list pane.
- Select the fourth packet, which is the first HTTP packet and labeled GET /.
- Observe the packet details in the middle Wireshark packet details pane. Notice that it is an Ethernet II / Internet Protocol Version 4 / Transmission Control Protocol / Hypertext Transfer Protocol frame. Also notice that the Ethernet II, Internet Protocol Version 4, and Transmission Control Protocol values are consistent with the TCP connection analyzed in Activity 3.
- Expand Hypertext Transfer Protocol to view HTTP details.
- Observe the GET request, Host, Connection, User-Agent, Referrer, Accept, and Cookie fields. This is the information passed to the HTTP server with the GET request.
- Observe the traffic captured in the top Wireshark packet list pane.
- Select the fifth packet, labeled TCP ACK. This is the server TCP acknowledgement of receiving the GET request.
Activity 5 - Analyze HTTP Response Traffic
[edit | edit source]To analyze HTTP response traffic:
- Observe the traffic captured in the top Wireshark packet list pane.
- Select the second HTTP packet, labeled 301 Moved Permanently.
- Observe the packet details in the middle Wireshark packet details pane.
- Expand Hypertext Transfer Protocol to view HTTP details.
- Observe the HTTP response, Server, Expires, Location, and other available information. This response indicates that the requested page has permanently moved to the location provided.
- Observe the traffic captured in the top Wireshark packet list pane.
- Select the next packet, labeled TCP ACK. This is the client TCP acknowledgement of receiving the HTTP response.
Activity 6 - Analyze HTTP Request Traffic
[edit | edit source]To analyze HTTP request traffic:
- Observe the traffic captured in the top Wireshark packet list pane.
- Select the third HTTP packet, labeled GET /wiki/Wikiversity:Main_Page.
- Observe the packet details in the middle Wireshark packet details pane.
- Expand Hypertext Transfer Protocol to view HTTP details.
- Observe the HTTP request fields. Notice that the request is similar to the request in Activity 4 above, except that the new page location is requested.
- Observe the traffic captured in the top Wireshark packet list pane.
- Select the next packet, labeled TCP ACK. This is the server TCP acknowledgement of receiving the GET request.
Activity 7 - Analyze HTTP Response Traffic
[edit | edit source]To play HTTP response traffic:
- Observe the traffic captured in the top Wireshark packet list pane.
- Select the next packet, labeled TCP segment of a reassembled PDU. Notice that because the server response is longer than the maximum segment PDU size, the response has been split into several TCP segments.
- Observe the packet details in the middle Wireshark packet details pane.
- Observe the packet contents in the bottom Wireshark packet bytes pane.
- Observe the traffic captured in the top Wireshark packet list pane. Notice that for every two TCP segments of data, there is a TCP ACK acknowledgement of receiving the HTTP response.
- Select the last HTTP packet, labeled HTTP 200 OK.
- Observe the packet details in the middle Wireshark packet details pane. Notice the Reassembled TCP Segments listed.
- Expand Hypertext Transfer Protocol to view HTTP details.
- Observe the full HTTP response to be passed to the web browser.
- Expand Line-based text data to observe web page content.
- In the web browser, right-click on the web page and view the page source. Notice that it is identical to the line-based text captured in Wireshark.
- Close the web browser.
- Close Wireshark to complete this activity. Quit without Saving to discard the captured traffic.