Wikiversity:Just Get Started

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Chapter 01: Subject: Getting Started with Wikiversity

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Gloss 01

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Create an Account

Section 01: Create an Account

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If one has not already done so, the first step would be to Sign Up. Click on "Create an account" on this "Log in / create account" Page and do so. You will need to be Signed Up to be fully a Wikiversitan. If you should be in doubt, Wikiversity:Why Create an Account will further indicate the reasons for doing this.

Gloss 02

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What Do You Wish to Accomplish?

Section 02: What Do You Wish to Accomplish?

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Section 02.1: Development
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Pages in the Category of Wikiversity Development might help one formulate a Plan of Action.

Instructional Note
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N.B.: This Participant just learned that in order to Link to a Category one must insert a Colon before the Word "Category" in the Link. See for the Source of this Revelation.

(s) Dionysios (talk), Date: 2007-06-27 (June 27, 2007) Time: 1844101 UTC

Section 02.2: Learning Goals
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One might view various Learning Goals and share one's own.

Section 02.3: History of Wikiversity
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It could be helpful to learn the History of Wikiversity.

Section 02.4: What Wikiversity Is Not
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Of course, while coming to appreciate what Wikiversity is, it could also be helpful to learn What Wikiversity Is Not.


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On June 13, 2007, César Minoru Harada replied to an email from Dionysios (talk), a Participant in the Wikiversity School of Advanced General Studies, Date: 2007-06-14 (June 14, 2007) Time: 213901 UTC; and on June 14, 2007, Dionysios answered with this Wikiversity Page. This Project will consist of the gradual transformation of This Page by its Editors into something useful for the Newcomer Just Getting Started.

Chapter 02: First Questions

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Gloss 01

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What Is the Best Way to Create a Department?

Section 01

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For Help in Creating a Departments, go to Help:Starting a new page.

Gloss 02

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What Is the Best Way to Categorize a Department?

Section 02

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For Help in properly categorizing Pages, go to Help:Category.

Gloss 03

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What is the Best Way to Sub-catagorize a Department?

Section 03

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For Help in properly subcatagorizing Pages, go to Help:Category#Subcategories.


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César Minoru Harada wrote:

))) amazing ! I'm not so good at wikipedia yet, and before i do any mistake, i will definitely study the best way to create a department, and name the categories and sub-categories it should fit in. Thanks a lot.

Dionysios (talk), a Participant in the Wikiversity School of Advanced General Studies, today provided his answer. Date: 2007-06-25 (June 25, 2007) Time: 182001 UTC

Chapter 03: The First Rule: Just Get Started

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Section 01: Be Bold: Just Get Started

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Dear César Minoru Harada,

The First Rule of [1] is BE BOLD. JUST GET STARTED.

Best regards,

(s) Dionysios (talk), a Participant in the Wikiversity School of Advanced General Studies, Date: 2007-06-14 ([[w:June 14|June 14], 2007) Time: 213901 UTC

Chapter 04: Finding Stability

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Section 01: The Next Question: The Desire to Do It Right

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Even if it is simple I really want to find a name to the department so it won't change and so i can communicate the "proper" stable link (better if i want to invite people to teach as well).

Thanks a lot.

Cesar Minoru Harada

Section 02: The Answer: Be Bold: Just Get Started

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Dear César Minoru Harada,

The First Rule of [2] is BE BOLD. JUST GET STARTED.

Best regards,

(s) Dionysios (talk), a Participant in the Wikiversity School of Advanced General Studies, Date: 2007-06-14 ([[w:June 14|June 14], 2007) Time: 213901 UTC

Chapter 05: People Need to Sleep

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Section 01: An Objection: People Need to Sleep

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Also I need to sleep now, and I'm so positively surprised to get answered so quick ! I thought : maybe i ask the question now, and in a few days or weeks, I'll get an answer and I'll be able to move on !

Thanks a lot.

Cesar Minoru Harada

Section 02: Objection Overcome: Boldness Conquers All

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Dear César Minoru Harada,

Sleep when you must. WikiWiki when you can. The First Rule of WikiWiki is BE BOLD. JUST GET STARTED.

Best regards,

(s) Dionysios (talk), a Participant in the Wikiversity School of Advanced General Studies, Date: 2007-06-14 ([[w:June 14|June 14], 2007) Time: 213901 UTC

Chapter 06: Heigh-Ho

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Section 01: ASAP

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So yes, I'll edit these as soon as possible. Thanks again, your help is precious !

Thanks a lot.

Cesar Minoru Harada

Section 02: Welcome to The Department of New Media Arts

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Dear César Minoru Harada,

Welcome to The Department of New Media Arts.

Best regards,

(s) Dionysios (talk), a Participant in the Wikiversity School of Advanced General Studies, Date: 2007-06-14 ([[w:June 14|June 14], 2007) Time: 213901 UTC

Chapter 07: Strange Conventions

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Section 01: The Servant

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And ... It's a little strange but are you always calling yourself "your servant" ?

Cesar Minoru Harada

Section 02: Strange

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Your Servant agrees; it may seem a little, or more than a little, strange.

Section 03: Is It a Wikipedia Convention?

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Or is it because it is a wikipedia convention ?

Cesar Minoru Harada

Section 04: Answer: No.

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Section 05: Question: Is It a Personal Convention, Or Something to Do with Me?

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Or is it because your personal convention (mystical dyonisac ?) Or is it because I said i go to the Royal College, or because my first name is Cesar ?

Cesar Minoru Harada

Section 06: Answer: No.

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Section 07: Question: Am I Going to Have to Do That?

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Will I have to say "your servant" when i become an experienced wikipedian myself ?

Cesar Minoru Harada

Section 08: Answer: No.

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Section 09: Question: Am I Going to Have to Do That?

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Will i have to say "your servant" when talking to students ? Is it to achieve Internet neutrality ? Thanks a lot.

Cesar Minoru Harada

Section 10: Answer: No.

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Dear César Minoru Harada,

Your Servant does not refer to himself in that fashion for any of those reasons. He does so because he is an Orthodox Christian Evangelist; it is his Work to be of service to the Servants of God If you are a Servant of God, Your Servant is indeed Your Servant.

Best regards,

(s) Dionysios (talk), a Participant in the Wikiversity School of Advanced General Studies, Date: 2007-06-14 (June 14, 2007) Time: 213901 UTC