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WikiJournal of Science/Ice drilling methods/XML

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    <full_title>WikiJournal of Science/Ice drilling methods</full_title>
    <issn media_type='electronic'>2002-4436 / 2470-6345 / 2639-5347</issn>
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     <surname>et al.</surname><affiliation>Wikipedia editors of Ice drilling</affiliation><link>https://xtools.wmflabs.org/articleinfo/en.wikipedia.org/Ice_drilling//2019-04-12</link>
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This is an open access article distributed under the&nbsp;[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike License], which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction, provided the original author and source are credited.</license-p>
Ice drilling allows scientists studying glaciers and ice sheets to gain access to what is beneath the ice, to take measurements along the interior of the ice, and to retrieve samples.  Instruments can be placed in the drilled holes to record temperature, pressure, speed, direction of movement, and for other scientific research, such as neutrino detection.  Many different methods have been used since 1840, when the first scientific ice drilling expedition attempted to drill through the Unteraargletscher in the Alps.  Two early methods were percussion, in which the ice is fractured and pulverized, and rotary drilling, a method often used in mineral exploration for rock drilling.  In the 1940s, thermal drills began to be used; these drills melt the ice by heating the drill.  Drills that use jets of hot water or steam to bore through ice soon followed.  A growing interest in ice cores, used for palaeoclimatological research, led to ice coring drills being developed in the 1950s and 1960s, and there are now many different coring drills in use.  For obtaining ice cores from deep holes, most investigators use cable-suspended electromechanical drills, which use an armoured cable to carry electrical power to a mechanical drill at the bottom of the borehole.  In 1966, a US team successfully drilled through the Greenland ice sheet at Camp Century, at a depth of 1,387 metres (4,551&nbsp;ft).  Since then many other groups have succeeded in reaching bedrock through the two largest ice sheets, in Greenland and Antarctica.  Recent projects have focused on finding drilling locations that will give scientists access to very old undisturbed ice at the bottom of the borehole, since an undisturbed stratigraphic sequence is required to accurately date the information obtained from the ice.