WikiJournal of Medicine/Leptospirosis/XML

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    <full_title>WikiJournal of Medicine/Leptospirosis</full_title>
    <issn media_type='electronic'>2002-4436 / 2470-6345 / 2639-5347</issn>
    <publication_date media_type='online'>     
   <journal_article publication_type='full_text'>   
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     <surname>et al.</surname><affiliation>Wikipedia editors of Leptospirosis</affiliation><link></link>
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     <resource> of Medicine/Leptospirosis</resource>
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     <license-p>[[File:Open_Access_logo_PLoS_white.svg|11px|link=Wikipedia:Open Access]] [[|16px|link=Wikipedia:Creative Commons]]
This is an open access article distributed under the&nbsp;[ Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike License], which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction, provided the original author and source are credited.</license-p>
This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the infectious zoonotic disease Leptospirosis in tropical countries. Warm blooded animals such as mice, dogs, and cows can be infected by this disease and carry the disease to humans. Although cold blooded animals such as reptiles may have ''Leptospira'' bacteria in them, their role in causing diseases in humans are unknown. Once infected, symptoms can range from mild disease to life-threatening ones. The pathogenesis of the leptospirosis infection is not completely understood. Therefore, more researches are required to understand the disease. Searches into PubMed and Google Scholar were done by using keywords "leptospirosis", "human leptospirosis", "animal leptospirosis", "Leptospira", and "leptospirosis review" while writing this article. In conclusion, leptospirosis is a common disease in the tropics and the public should know the effective ways of avoiding or treating the disease.