WikiJournal of Medicine/Image view count

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This table calculates the view count of Wikipedia articles where there are images that were published in WikiJournal of Medicine. Data is for the month of February 2015, according to Wikipedia article traffic statistics from the article view counter.

Article Wikipedia articles where media are used View count (Feb 2015) Number of images
Menstrual cycle hormones Estrogen 53793 [1] 4
Estradiol 27055 [2]
Menstrual cycle 53209 [3]
Ovulation 15584 [4]
Reference ranges for blood tests 23898 [5]
Progesterone 34680 [6]
Follicle-stimulating hormone 22883 [7]
Luteinizing hormone 23706 [8]
Establishment and clinical use of reference ranges Reference range 4352 [9] 4
Allogeneic component to overcome rejection in interspecific pregnancy Immunosurgery 286 [10] 1
Diagram of the pathways of human steroidogenesis Cholesterol 69256 [11] 5
Dehydroepiandrosterone 21151 [12]
Estrogen 53793 [13]
Testosterone 69387 [14]
Progesterone 34680 [15]
Steroid 36636 [16]
Estradiol 27055 [17]
Androgen 31893 [18]
Progestogen 4539 [19]
Steroid hormone 13971 [20]
Cortisol 91981 [21]
Aldosterone 45983 [22]
Androstenedione 6809 [23]
Corticosterone 3312 [24]
Estrone 3834 [25]
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia 40550 [26]
Corpus luteum 16682 [27]
Glucocorticoid 35805 [28]
Mineralocorticoid 8510 [29]
Estriol 3525 [30]
Cytochrome P450 29904 [31]
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 11β-hydroxylase deficiency 1320 [32]
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency 3930 [33]
5-alpha reductase 14040 [34]
Pregnenolone 6433 [35]
Caesarean section photography Caesarean section 35806 [36] 1
Tubal pregnancy with embryo Atavism 10728 [37] 1
Ectopic pregnancy 71328 [38]
Embryo 20576 [39]
Human 131033 [40]
Prenatal development 19216 [41]
Ultrasonography of a cervical pregnancy Cervical pregnancy 705 [42] 1
Insights into abdominal pregnancy Abdominal pregnancy 1671 [43] 2
Images of Aerococcus urinae Aerococcus urinae 1069 [44] 1
Table of pediatric medical conditions and findings named after foods - 0 0
The Year of the Elephant - 0 0
Estimating the lost benefits of not implementing a visual inspection with acetic acid screen and treat strategy for cervical cancer prevention in South Africa Healthcare in South Africa 2793 [45] 4
Sum of articles = 12 Total view count = 1,229,350 Total images = 24
View count per article = 102,445
View count per image = 51,222

The gallery articles Blausen gallery 2014 and Medical gallery of Mikael Häggström 2014 are not yet included in this table.