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Web technologies/2014-2015/Questions 1

From Wikiversity


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  1. Structure of distributed applications (par. 1.3 of course) in Java EE.
  2. Container types in Java EE (par. 1.9.2).
  3. Java Server Faces Technology (par. 1.11.5).
  4. Structure of an HTTP request.
  5. Structure of an HTTP response.
  6. List the eight HTTP commands (methods).
  7. List the five HTTP status codes (plus their value).
  8. What is the difference between HTTP and HEAT methods?
  9. Write the code for a <SELECT> element with five options, the fourth one being the one selected.
  10. What are the mandatory attributes for <FORM> and what does it mean?
  11. List possible types of HTML element <INPUT>.
  12. Write the HTML code for a 2-line and 3-column table with the first extended cell on 2 lines and the last expanded cell on 2 columns.
  13. List the types and give examples of code for pop-up boxes in JavaScript.
  14. Specify some objects (minimum 6) in the JavaScript hierarchy of the objects attached to the browsers and their relationship (content) (see 5.10).
  15. Specify the predefined JavaScript objects.
  16. Write the creation code of an XMLHttpRequest object (for IE and Mozilla).
  17. Write the login code and send a POST request through an XMLHttpRequest object.
  18. Write (in JavaScript) the validation code of a phone number of an individual in the UK (cover variants from 369110 to + 40-256-369-110) (+40 and '-' are admitted as block delimiter 3-digit)
  19. Write the date validation code in ZZ.LL.YYYY format (in the JavaScript) (the day and month can have a single digit, no more delimiters are allowed than '.')
  20. Specify the directory structure (and mandatory files) of a web application.
  21. Specify the methods declared by the Servlet interface.
  22. What are the exceptions stated in the javax.servlet package?
  23. Specify (with some details) the stages in the life cycle of a servlet.
  24. What method of the ServletRequest interface allows you to access a specific parameter of an HTTP request?
  25. What method of the ServletRequest interface lets you list all the parameters of a request?
  26. The class that implements the servlet with the "Enroll" alias is "com.bank11.ccards.servlets.EnrollServlet". What is the code that links the alias to the class and in which xml file is this code?
  27. Types of JDBC drivers. Which is most effective?
  28. Write (in a block try {} the JDBC driver's full (with import and statement statements) code "oracle.jdbc.driver.Oracle.Driver".
  29. Write (in a block try {}) the creation code of a DB connection for connection "jdbc: mysql: // localhost: 3306 / ccards".
  30. What methods of the Connection interface allow the creation of Statement, PreparedStatement or CallableStatement objects?
  31. Assuming we already have a connection called "conn01" with the "ccards" database, write (using a Statement Interface) the column listing code firstName, lastName, custID in the CUSTOMERS table, all articles.
  32. Assuming we already have a connection called "conn02" with a database, write (using a Statement interface) the code for inserting a 3-column item (firstName, lastName, custID) into the CUSTOMERS table.
  33. Write the equivalent code, but use a PreparedStatement.
  34. Specify the 3 categories of JSP (JSP tags) elements.
  35. Specify the 3 types of scripting elements with details.
  36. What is the "page" JSP directive format? List the attributes associated with this directive.
  37. What is the format of the JSP directive 'includes' and what effect does it have?
  38. Specify the standard action format <jsp: forward>. What is the effect of this action?
  39. What are the eight default objects available to JSP?
  40. List the 4 possible scope of JSP objects.
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Gabriel Iuhasz , 2014-09-30, iuhasz.gabriel@e-uvt.ro