Web Translation Projects/Approaches to Translating Dialect/Partial translation

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This strategy resembles lexicalisation but involves, in fact, a distinct translation process. It entails an incomplete intralingual and interlingual translation of the SL which excludes select excerpts (usually lexical elements that come from a third language). The social deixis which is aimed at, both in the SL and the TL, is the foreign origin of the speaker, but while the original may introduce other dialect markers to indicate that, the translation will only retain the foreign elements on the level of lexis. The social deixis is therefore retained but, similarly as in the case of lexicalisation, slightly weakened[1].


J.F. Cooper, The Pioneers


Pionierowie (translation by T. Evert)

"Ah! oui; ees sair," returned Monsieur Le Quoi, with a slight shrug of his

shoulder, and a trifling grime, "dere is more. I feel ver happi det you love eet. [...]"

- Ach, oui, tak drogi panie - wzruszając lekko ramionami i wykrzywiając twarz w

nieokreślonym grymasie odparł Francuz. - Jeszcze jest. Cieszę się, że panu

smakował [...]"

Comments The original indicates that the speaker is French and therefore their command of

English is imperfect by introducing foreign lexical elements but also phonetic

dialect markers. The examples are as follows:

- oui 'yes'

- ees sair 'yes sir'

- dere 'there'

- eet 'it'

The translation attempts to preserve the indication that the speaker is foreign

but does so only by retaining the foreign lexical elements (here: oui), which

weakens the social deixis.


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  1. Berezowski, Leszek. 1997. Dialect in Translation. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego