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Web Science/Part1: Foundations of the web/Internet Protocol/Motivation for IP/script

From Wikiversity

There are some limitations over the Ethernet

1) Transport distance should be shorter than 500 meters. So obviously you just can’t create one big Ethernet network.
Let’s imagine that we have some geographically distributed networks. And these networks should be interconnected to each other. So you have really small networks that can just add locally in a certain region and you want to interconnect those networks.
2) Collisions.
With the non deterministic protocol every time someone wants to send some data he has to occupy the entire network and if there are too many clients there collisions will arise all the time with the result that no one will be able to pass any message. Another requirement to create Internet was to have it decentralized. When Americans decided to create this communication system they did it mainly for the military reasons. They already knew that if you have 1 single spot where all communications go through it is very easy to attack this spot and then your entire communication doesn’t work.
In decentralized system we can see that if one network fails still all the networks will be at least with some connection to each other. If we will make it like star topology then if one central network fails you are in trouble because your system has no way of communicating anymore.
Summing up
Internet was designed:
- To connect local area networks
- To be decentralized not to have a single point of failure
- To fragment LAN. So if there too many hosts in LAN you can separate networks.
And in order to achieve all these things an IP was designed.
--Jane Kruch (discusscontribs) 09:31, 31 October 2013 (UTC)