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Vector space/Characterizations of basis/Maximal/Minimal/Fact/Proof

From Wikiversity

Proof by ring closure. . The family is a generating system. Let us remove a vector, say , from the family. We have to show that the remaining family, that is , is not a generating system anymore. So suppose that it is still a generating system. Then, in particular, can be written as a linear combination of the remaining vectors, and we have

But then

is a non-trivial representation of , contradicting the linear independence of the family. . Due to the condition, the family is a generating system, hence every vector can be presented as a linear combination. Suppose that for some , there is more than one representation, say

where at least one coefficient is different. Without loss of generality we may assume . Then we get the relation

Because of , we can divide by this number and obtain a representation of using the other vectors. In this situation, due to exercise, also the family without is a generating system of , contradicting the minimality. . Because of the unique representability, the zero vector has only the trivial representation. This means that the vectors are linearly independent. If we add a vector , then it has a representation

and therefore

is a non-trivial representation of , so that the extended family is not linearly independent. . The family is linearly independent, we have to show that it is also a generating system. Let . Due to the condition, the family is not linearly independent. This means that there exists a non-trivial representation

Here , because else this would be a non-trivial representation of with the original family . Hence, we can write

yielding a representation for .