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University of Florida/Eml4507/s13.team4ever.R7

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Problem R7.1a: Verify the dim of the matrices (fead.f08.mtgs.[37-41] pg. 2)

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On our honor, we did this assignment on our own.

Given: The desired dimensions for k and d with index of 6

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1.Use an index of 6 to verify the dimensions of k and d

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With supporting:


Solution: Verify the dimensions of k and d

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The constructed 6x6 matrix shown below represents

The following matrix represents the element stiffness matrix in local coordinates.

Using the above two matricies and the transpose of T, you can construct the following equation:

Multiplying by will yield the required

Problem R7.1b: Solve 2 element frame system (fead.f08.mtgs.[37-41] pg. 3)

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On our honor, we did this assignment on our own.

Given: Information on the two element truss system

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Assume a square cross section. Also use same data from fea.f08.mtgs.p5-4.

Figure 1: Two member system (fig.JPG)

Element length: (1) =4

Element length: (2) =2

Young's modulus: (1) =3

Young's modulus: (2) =5

Cross section area: (1) =1

Cross section area: (2) =2

Inclination angle: (1) = 30 deg

Inclination angle: (2) = -45 deg


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1. Plot Undeformed Shape

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2. Plot Deformed Shape 2-bar Truss

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3. Plot Deformed Shape 2-bar Frame

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1. Plot Undeformed Shape

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Undeformed Shape.

Figure 1: Two member system (2bnodef.JPG)

View of element with single force member view.

Figure 1: Two member system (2b.JPG)

2. Plot Deformed Shape 2-bar Truss

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Plotting the deformed shape 2-bar truss for the given problem from p5-2 of the fead08 lecture notes. The deformation can be seen the truss using the forces given from p5-2.

Figure 1: Two member system (2bdef2.JPG)

3. Plot Deformed Shape 2-bar Frame

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Plotting the deformed shape 2-bar frame for the given problem from p5-2 of the fead08 lecture notes. The constraints are preserved during the analysis in this mode to keep the frame.

Figure 1: Two member system (2bdef.JPG)
for i=1:2:5

for i=2:2:6
%Required deformation plotting
hold on
for i=1:2
    axis([-1 5 -1 5])
    title(['Constrained Shape'])
    hold on

%Required deformation plotting
for i=1:2:5

for i=2:2:6
 for i=1:2
    axis([-1 5 -1 5])
    hold on

Problem R7.2

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On my honor, I have neither given nor recieved unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.


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We are to resolve problem 5.7. We are to solve for motion of the truss using modal superposition using the three lowest eigenvalues.


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The following code was used for problem 5.7 to obtain the K and M matrices and to obtain the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors:

function R7P2a

p = 2;
E = 5;
A = 0.5;
L = 1;
Ld = 1*sqrt(2);
%degree of freedom for each element
dof = zeros(10,5);
dof(1,:) = [1 1 2 3 4];
dof(2,:) = [2 1 2 5 6];
dof(3,:) = [3 3 4 5 6];
dof(4,:) = [4 5 6 9 10];
dof(5,:) = [5 5 6 7 8];
dof(6,:) = [6 3 4 9 10];
dof(7,:) = [7 3 4 7 8];
dof(8,:) = [8 7 8 9 10];
dof(9,:) = [9 9 10 11 12];
dof(10,:) = [10 7 8 11 12];
%position of each node
pos = zeros(2,6);
pos(:,1) = [0;0];
pos(:,2) = [L;0];
pos(:,3) = [L;L];
pos(:,4) = [2*L;0];
pos(:,5) = [2*L;L];
pos(:,6) = [3*L;0];
conn = zeros(2,10);
conn(:,1) = [1;2];
conn(:,2) = [1;3];
conn(:,3) = [2;3];
conn(:,4) = [3;5];
conn(:,5) = [3;4];
conn(:,6) = [2;5];
conn(:,7) = [2;4];
conn(:,8) = [4;5];
conn(:,9) = [5;6];
conn(:,10) = [4;6];
%seperates into x and y coordinates
x = zeros(10,2);
y = zeros(10,2);
for i = 1:10
    x(i,:) = [pos(1,conn(1,i)),pos(1,conn(2,i))];
    y(i,:) = [pos(2,conn(1,i)),pos(2,conn(2,i))];
%Set up K and M matrix
K = zeros(12);
M = zeros(12);
for i = 1:10
    xm = x(i,2)-x(i,1);
    ym = y(i,2)-y(i,1);
    L = sqrt(xm^2+ym^2);
    l = xm/L;
    m = ym/L;
    k = E*A/L*[l^2 l*m -l^2 -l*m;l*m m^2 -l*m -m^2;-l^2 -l*m l^2 l*m;-l*m -m^2 l*m m^2;];
    m = L*A*p;
    m = [m/2 0 0 0;0 m/2 0 0;0 0 m/2 0;0 0 0 m/2];
    Dof = dof(i,2:5);
    K(Dof,Dof) = K(Dof,Dof)+k;
    M(Dof,Dof) = M(Dof,Dof)+m;
bc = [1;2;12];
F = [0;0;0;0;0;0;0;-5;0;0;0;0];

[L,X] = eigen(K,M,bc)

From this, we obtain M and K matrices which are:

K =

 Columns 1 through 9
   3.3839    0.8839   -2.5000         0   -0.8839   -0.8839         0         0         0
   0.8839    0.8839         0         0   -0.8839   -0.8839         0         0         0
  -2.5000         0    5.8839    0.8839         0         0   -2.5000         0   -0.8839
        0         0    0.8839    3.3839         0   -2.5000         0         0   -0.8839
  -0.8839   -0.8839         0         0    4.2678         0   -0.8839    0.8839   -2.5000
  -0.8839   -0.8839         0   -2.5000         0    4.2678    0.8839   -0.8839         0
        0         0   -2.5000         0   -0.8839    0.8839    5.8839   -0.8839         0
        0         0         0         0    0.8839   -0.8839   -0.8839    3.3839         0
        0         0   -0.8839   -0.8839   -2.5000         0         0         0    4.2678
        0         0   -0.8839   -0.8839         0         0         0   -2.5000         0
        0         0         0         0         0         0   -2.5000         0   -0.8839
        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0    0.8839
 Columns 10 through 12
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
  -0.8839         0         0
  -0.8839         0         0
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
        0   -2.5000         0
  -2.5000         0         0
        0   -0.8839    0.8839
   4.2678    0.8839   -0.8839
   0.8839    3.3839   -0.8839
  -0.8839   -0.8839    0.8839

M =

 Columns 1 through 9
   1.2071         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
        0    1.2071         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
        0         0    2.2071         0         0         0         0         0         0
        0         0         0    2.2071         0         0         0         0         0
        0         0         0         0    2.4142         0         0         0         0
        0         0         0         0         0    2.4142         0         0         0
        0         0         0         0         0         0    2.2071         0         0
        0         0         0         0         0         0         0    2.2071         0
        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0    2.4142
        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
 Columns 10 through 12
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
   2.4142         0         0
        0    1.2071         0
        0         0    1.2071

This will also output the lowest eigenpairs:

Then, with these, we will find what the modal equations are according to the equation:

This will yield 3 unique differential equations. We solve for the complete solution to these differential equation using the boundary conditions from:


With these solutions for z, we can then find and plot the actual displacements from modal superposition using:

Problem R7.2

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On my honor, I have neither given nor recieved unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.


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We are to resolve problem 5.7. We are to solve for motion of the truss using modal superposition using the three lowest eigenvalues.


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The following code was used for problem 5.7 to obtain the K and M matrices and to obtain the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors:

function R7P2a

p = 2;
E = 5;
A = 0.5;
L = 1;
Ld = 1*sqrt(2);
%degree of freedom for each element
dof = zeros(10,5);
dof(1,:) = [1 1 2 3 4];
dof(2,:) = [2 1 2 5 6];
dof(3,:) = [3 3 4 5 6];
dof(4,:) = [4 5 6 9 10];
dof(5,:) = [5 5 6 7 8];
dof(6,:) = [6 3 4 9 10];
dof(7,:) = [7 3 4 7 8];
dof(8,:) = [8 7 8 9 10];
dof(9,:) = [9 9 10 11 12];
dof(10,:) = [10 7 8 11 12];
%position of each node
pos = zeros(2,6);
pos(:,1) = [0;0];
pos(:,2) = [L;0];
pos(:,3) = [L;L];
pos(:,4) = [2*L;0];
pos(:,5) = [2*L;L];
pos(:,6) = [3*L;0];
conn = zeros(2,10);
conn(:,1) = [1;2];
conn(:,2) = [1;3];
conn(:,3) = [2;3];
conn(:,4) = [3;5];
conn(:,5) = [3;4];
conn(:,6) = [2;5];
conn(:,7) = [2;4];
conn(:,8) = [4;5];
conn(:,9) = [5;6];
conn(:,10) = [4;6];
%seperates into x and y coordinates
x = zeros(10,2);
y = zeros(10,2);
for i = 1:10
    x(i,:) = [pos(1,conn(1,i)),pos(1,conn(2,i))];
    y(i,:) = [pos(2,conn(1,i)),pos(2,conn(2,i))];
%Set up K and M matrix
K = zeros(12);
M = zeros(12);
for i = 1:10
    xm = x(i,2)-x(i,1);
    ym = y(i,2)-y(i,1);
    L = sqrt(xm^2+ym^2);
    l = xm/L;
    m = ym/L;
    k = E*A/L*[l^2 l*m -l^2 -l*m;l*m m^2 -l*m -m^2;-l^2 -l*m l^2 l*m;-l*m -m^2 l*m m^2;];
    m = L*A*p;
    m = [m/2 0 0 0;0 m/2 0 0;0 0 m/2 0;0 0 0 m/2];
    Dof = dof(i,2:5);
    K(Dof,Dof) = K(Dof,Dof)+k;
    M(Dof,Dof) = M(Dof,Dof)+m;
bc = [1;2;12];
F = [0;0;0;0;0;0;0;-5;0;0;0;0];

[L,X] = eigen(K,M,bc)

From this, we obtain M and K matrices which are:

K =

 Columns 1 through 9
   3.3839    0.8839   -2.5000         0   -0.8839   -0.8839         0         0         0
   0.8839    0.8839         0         0   -0.8839   -0.8839         0         0         0
  -2.5000         0    5.8839    0.8839         0         0   -2.5000         0   -0.8839
        0         0    0.8839    3.3839         0   -2.5000         0         0   -0.8839
  -0.8839   -0.8839         0         0    4.2678         0   -0.8839    0.8839   -2.5000
  -0.8839   -0.8839         0   -2.5000         0    4.2678    0.8839   -0.8839         0
        0         0   -2.5000         0   -0.8839    0.8839    5.8839   -0.8839         0
        0         0         0         0    0.8839   -0.8839   -0.8839    3.3839         0
        0         0   -0.8839   -0.8839   -2.5000         0         0         0    4.2678
        0         0   -0.8839   -0.8839         0         0         0   -2.5000         0
        0         0         0         0         0         0   -2.5000         0   -0.8839
        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0    0.8839
 Columns 10 through 12
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
  -0.8839         0         0
  -0.8839         0         0
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
        0   -2.5000         0
  -2.5000         0         0
        0   -0.8839    0.8839
   4.2678    0.8839   -0.8839
   0.8839    3.3839   -0.8839
  -0.8839   -0.8839    0.8839

M =

 Columns 1 through 9
   1.2071         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
        0    1.2071         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
        0         0    2.2071         0         0         0         0         0         0
        0         0         0    2.2071         0         0         0         0         0
        0         0         0         0    2.4142         0         0         0         0
        0         0         0         0         0    2.4142         0         0         0
        0         0         0         0         0         0    2.2071         0         0
        0         0         0         0         0         0         0    2.2071         0
        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0    2.4142
        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
 Columns 10 through 12
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
        0         0         0
   2.4142         0         0
        0    1.2071         0
        0         0    1.2071

This will also output the lowest eigenpairs:

Then, with these, we will find what the modal equations are according to the equation:

This will yield 3 unique differential equations. We solve for the complete solution to these differential equation using the boundary conditions from:


With these solutions for z, we can then find and plot the actual displacements from modal superposition using:

Table of Assignments R7

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Problem Assignments R5
Problem # Solved&Typed by Reviewed by
1a Vernon Babich, Chad Colocar All
1b Vernon Babich, Tyler Wulterkens All
2 David Bonner, Chad Colocar All