Comp. Trap. rule error:
HW*4.8: Comp. Simpson error
HW*4.8: See HW*2.4 p.7-3
1) Use error estimate for Taylor Series, Compare Trap., Compare Simpson, to findn
Q(10-6), and compare to number results.
2)Numerically find the power ofhin error : Plot
logerror vslogh , and meas. slop with least square
(lin. regression).
HW*4.9: pf. of SSET, G(.) in (1) p.19-1
A)Redo the pf for 2 cases
Print out where pf breaks down.
B)For G(t) as in(1)p.19-1(w/t5), find
G(3)(0) and follow same steps in pf to
see what happen.
HW*4.10:1)Don'tUse matlabtrapz forcompare
your code to produce Table 5.1 n A.p.255(p.22-4)
(use WAto find I)