Obtain equations (2), (3), (n-2), (n-1), (n), and set up the matrix A as in (1) p.7-21
for the general case, with the matrix coefficients for rows 1, 2, 3, (n-2), (n-1), n, filled in,
as obtained from equations (1), (2), (3), (n-2), (n-1), (n).
As shown in p.7-21, the first equation is:
(1) p.7-21
According to p.7-20, the general form of the series is:
(2) p. 7-20
From (2) p.7-20, we can obtain n+1 equations for n+1 unknown coefficients .
After referring to p.7-22, it can be determined that the matrix to be set up is of the following form:
where the rows signify the coefficients ,
and the columns signify .
Building the coefficient matrix as shown in p.7-22 of the class notes, we can begin to solve for the coefficients
as follows:
Equation associated with :
j=0: (1)
Equation associated with :
j=1: (2)
Equation associated with :
j=2: (3)
Equation associated with :
j=n-2: (n-2)
Equation associated with :
j=n-1: (n-1)
Equation associated with :
j=n: (n)
Using all of the above equations, (1), (2), (3), (n-2), (n-1), (n), we can then determine the A matrix to be: