University of Florida/Egm4313/IEA-f13-team10/R3

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Report 3

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Problem 1

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Problem Statement

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Find the complete homogeneous solution using variation of parameters


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The solution is
Therefore, and

Plugging this back into the original homogeneous equation,


Checking the answer

Plugging this into the original homogeneous equation

Plugging in values for y and its derivatives, everything cancels out to zero.

Honor Pledge

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On our honor, we solved this problem on our own, without aid from online solutions or solutions from previous semesters.

Problem 2

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Problem Statement

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Find and plot the solution for the L2-ODE_CC


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This is a linear, first order ODE with constant coefficients.

To find the general solution to this ODE set

so that and

Substituting in y to the ODE and factoring out we get:

Using the quadratic formula to solve for r we get

where and

Solving to get

Since we have a repeated root, we need to find v(x) so that y2(x) = v(x)y1(x)

Taking the first and second derivative of y2(x) we get:

Substituting into the original ODE, we get:

solving for so v(x) = kx + c

So y2(x) = x y1(x)

We get the general solution

Now with the initial values y(0) = 1 and y'(0) = 0


Honor Pledge

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On our honor, we solved this problem on our own, without aid from online solutions or solutions from previous semesters.

Problem 3

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Problem Statement

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Problem Sec 2.4 problem 3
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How does the frequency of the harmonic oscillation change if we (i) double the mass (ii) take a spring of twice the modulus?

Problem Sec 2.4 problem 4
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Could you make a harmonic oscillation move faster by giving the body a greater push?


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Problem Sec 2.4 problem 3
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Part 1
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Now double the mass

The frequency is decreased by .

Part 2
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Multiply k by 2

The frequency is increased by .

Problem Sec 2.4 problem 4
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No because frequency depends on the ratio of the spring modulus and mass.

Honor Pledge

[edit | edit source]

On our honor, we solved this problem on our own, without aid from online solutions or solutions from previous semesters.

Problem 4

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Problem Statement

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Section 2.4 Problem 16
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Show the maxima of an underdamped motion occur at equidistant t-values and find the distance.

Section 2.4 Problem 17
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Determine the values of t corresponding to the maxima and minima of the oscillation . Check your result by graphing y(t).


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Section 2.4 Problem 16
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Part 1=

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The general solution of underdamped motion is

The maximas occur at
Set the two equations equal to each other a solve for t.

where n=0,1,2,3.....

Part 2
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shows delta is a constant.
The periodic distance between maximas is

Section 2.4 Problem 17
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To find critical points, set y'(t)=0

where n=0,1,2,3...

As seen in the graph, the maximum of t was at and the minimum was at .

Honor Pledge

[edit | edit source]

On our honor, we solved this problem on our own, without aid from online solutions or solutions from previous semesters.

Problem 5

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Problem Statement

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Using the formula for Taylor series at x = 0 (the origin, i.e., McLaurin series), develop into Taylor series at the origin x = 0 for the following functions: cos x, sin x, exp(x), tan x, and write these series in compact form with the summation sign and a single summand.


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Part 1
cos x
Taylor Series:


n = 0, 1, 2, 3 ... N

2n = 0, 2, 4, 6, ... 2N

Part 2
sin x
Taylor Series:


Part 3
exp x
Taylor Series:


Honor Pledge

[edit | edit source]

On our honor, we solved this problem on our own, without aid from online solutions or solutions from previous semesters.

Problem 6

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Problem Statement

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Part 1
Find and plot the solution for the L2-ODE-CC

Initial conditions: y(0) = 1, y'(0) = 0
No excitation: r(x) = 0

Part 2
In another Fig., superpose 3 Figs.: (a) this Fig.,
(b) the Fig. in R2.6 P. 5-6, (c) the Fig. in R2.1 P. 3-7.


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Part 1

The characteristic equation of the given ODE is:

Using the quadratic formula to solve for


Solving to get


Therefore, the general solution of the given ODE is

Now we solve for , using the given initial conditions

We have

Substituting into ,

We get,

We have

Differentiating , we get:


Substituting into , we get:

Therefore, we get

Hence the solution of the given ODE is

Fig. 1:

Part 2

Fig. 2:

Fig. 3:

Fig. 4:

Honor Pledge

[edit | edit source]

On our honor, we solved this problem on our own, without aid from online solutions or solutions from previous semesters.

Problem 7

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Problem Statement

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Consider the same system as in the Example p.7-3, i.e., the same L2-ODE-CC (4) p.5-5 and initial condi- (2) p.3-4, but with the following excitation:


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Replacing with and after simplifying we get,

The root here is . So we can solve for our constants,

Using the initial conditions y(0)=4 and y'(0)=-5 we can solve for our constants,

So the solution is,

Honor Pledge

[edit | edit source]

On our honor, we solved this problem on our own, without aid from online solutions or solutions from previous semesters.

Problem 8

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Problem Statement

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Plot the error between the exact derivative and the approximate derivative, i.e.


For ε = .0001, .0003, .0006, and .001 and λ =.3


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Since the above equation is the error between the exact derivative and the approximate derivative, it must be plotted with the correct values of \epsilon and \lambda, from x = -15 to 15

Case 1
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Case 2
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Case 3
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Case 4
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Honor Pledge

[edit | edit source]

On our honor, we solved this problem on our own, without aid from online solutions or solutions from previous semesters.

Problem 9

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Problem Statement

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Find the complete solution for , with the initial conditions
plot the solution y(x)


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Particular Solution

Homogeneous Solution

Initial conditions

General Solution

Honor Pledge

[edit | edit source]

On our honor, we solved this problem on our own, without aid from online solutions or solutions from previous semesters.