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University of Canberra/RCC2010/Wikiversity

From Wikiversity
Joelle, Marg, Mark, Peter (L to R)
Type classification: this is a notes resource.

James, Joelle, Marg, Peter, Mark, Leigh

From our small group discussion, key points were:

  1. James explained some of the administrative dramas that Wikiversity has faced recently.
  2. How to work with Moodle and Wikiversity?
    1. Moodle should be called a Class Management System - because it is useful for managing a formal education class, and calling thus would free up content on the open internet. Moodle then becomes like a 'class start page' pointing out to activites and resources out on the internet, and using the useful features of Moodle for class management (assignments, tracking, private discussions). Critical to this, is not to turn Moodle into a content "dump" of social media coming in, but to go out into the "field" and participate.
    2. But where are teachers generally at with reaching into the open internet? Working on the fly, they focus on delivery of content, without making people stakeholders in their learning process, aside from assessment drivers.
  3. How can we look more outwardly? Consider how learning takes place informally on Wikiversity (and other social media channels), and reflect back on why it does or doesn't take place in more formal settings?
  4. In James' experience, the 'students' can become active in these spaces (see User:Jtneill/Teaching).
  5. Wikiversity, and other socal media, gives us the opportunity to add value to assessment tasks.
  6. Another use for wikiversity: negotiate the curriculum and assessment - Put course syllabus, assessment tasks, rubric/marking criteria development etc. on a wiki for discussion, modification and validation by 'students'.
  7. How do we ensure secure and private learning spaces = options: use moodle, explain and use avatars, generalisation of information
  8. We shouldn't use our own wikis generally, because the community of practice takes so long to develop on a global scale. We should use established/ing wikis such as Wikiversity.
  9. Institutions should contribute their funds into the established projects, such as Wikiversity supported by the Wikimedia Foundation.
  10. Bookmodule has been added to Wikiversity, and enables collection of articles into PDF and pediapress book printing.