United States Law/Property

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Property as a Concept

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Acquisition of Property

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Acquisition by Discovery

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Acquisition by Capture

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Acquisition by Gift

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Acquisition by Creation

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Acquisition by Adverse Possession

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Extent and Limitations of Property

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The Extent of Ownership

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The Right to Exclude

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The Right to Transfer and Restraints on Alienation

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The Right to Abandon

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The Right to Destroy

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Public Domain

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Public Trust Doctrine

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Trademark Public Domain

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Nuisance Law

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Public Nuisance

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Private Nuisance

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Easements and Servitudes

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Creation of Covenants

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Enforcement of Covenants and Limitations

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Termination of Covenants

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Zoning Laws

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Possessory Estates

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Historical Background

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Fee Simple

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Fee Tail

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Defeasible Estates

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Life Estates

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Leasehold Estates

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Future Interests

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Future Interests in the Transferor

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Possibility of Reverter

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Right of (Re)Entry)=

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Future Interests in Transferees

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Executory Interests

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The Rule Against Perpetuities

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The Common Law Rule

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The Modern Approach

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Co-Ownership Interests

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Various Co-Ownership Issues

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The Common Law Marriage System

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The Community Property Law Marriage System

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Leasehold Interests

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Leasehold Estates

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Duties, Warranties, Rights, and Remedies

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Subleases and Assignments

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Transfers of Real Property

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Contracts of Sale

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Recordation and Title

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Eminent Domain and Takings

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