Unit Testing/Pytest/Test Exceptions

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Create a Python Program

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Create the following Python program. Save it as multiply.py

def multiply(x, y):
    result = x * y
    return result

def main():
    multiplicand = float(input("Enter a multiplicand: "))
    multiplier = float(input("Enter a multiplier: "))
    product = multiply(multiplicand, multiplier)
    print(f"The product is: {product}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Create a Test Program

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Create the following Pytest test program. Save it as test_multiply.py

import pytest
import multiply

def test_invalid_input():
    input_values = [

    def input(prompt=None):
        return input_values.pop(0)

    multiply.input = input

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

Test Success

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Test the program by running pytest in a terminal or command prompt in the same folder as the two programs above and observe the results.


Test Failure

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Change the test source code somehow, such as replacing the invalid input with valid input. Test the program by running pytest again and observe the results.