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UTPA STEM/CBI Courses/Biomedical/Emergency Response Robot

From Wikiversity

Course Title: Biomedical Engineering for High School Students

Lecture Topic: Human Body Systems

Instructor: Gustavo Perez

Institution: Region One Education Service Center

Backwards Design

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Course Objectives

  • Primary Objectives- By the next class period students will be able to:
    • Identify bio-medical measurement tools
    • Identify different human organ systems/interactions
    • Identify Homeostasis as a response to human body stress or to external influences
  • Sub Objectives- The objectives will require that students be able to:
    • Measure the activity of the upper respiratory tract, the lungs, the heart, the nervous system, and the musculoskeletal system
    • Analyze/Diagnose healthy measurement levels
  • Difficulties- Students may have difficulty:
    • Programming in general
    • Building/Wiring
    • Programming logic (loops, switches, conditional statements, input/output data files)
    • Taking digital measurements
    • Interpreting digital measurements
    • Analyzing digital measurements
  • Real-World Contexts- There are many ways that students can use this material in the real-world, such as:
    • Host a health clinic to promote STEM career awareness in the local community
    • Host a health clinic to promote STEM career awareness among younger children
    • Volunteer at nursing homes to work with the elderly
    • Work with children clinics to make children check-ups more fun

Model of Knowledge

  • Concept Map
    • Identification of human body systems
    • Understanding of how to quantify vital organ responses
    • Design, Build, and Test a Robot
    • Evaluate desired measurements for Blood Pressure
    • Evaluate desired measurements for Heart Rate
    • Evaluate desired measurements for Grip Strength
    • Evaluate desired measurements for EKG Graphs

(Surface Temperature Sensor) Effect of Vascularity on Skin Temperature Recovery Warming Function of Nasal Passageways

(Blood Pressure Sensor) Blood Pressure and Exercise Blood Pressure as a Vital Sign Diurnal Blood Pressure Variation Heart Rate and Blood Pressure as Vital Signs Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, and Exercise

(Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor) Effect of Coughing on Heart Rate Heart Rate and Blood Pressure as Vital Signs Heart Rate and Exercise Heart Rate as a Vital Sign Heart Rate Response to Baroreceptor Feedback Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, and Exercise

(Hand Dynamometer) EMG and Muscle Fatigue Grip Strength and Muscle Fatigue Grip Strength Comparison

(EKG Sensor) Analyzing the Heart with EKG EMG and Muscle Fatigue Introduction to EMG Muscle Function Analysis Neuromuscular Reflexes (with Accelerometer) Neuromuscular Reflexes (without Accelerometer)

(Spirometer) Analysis of Lung Function Lung Volumes and Capacities Oxygen and Aerobic Metabolism Respiratory Response to Physiologic Challenges

(O2 Gas Sensor) Effect of "Dead Space" on Oxygen Exchange Oxygen and Aerobic Metabolism Oxygen Extraction by the Lungs

(25-g Accelerometer) Neuromuscular Reflexes (with Accelerometer)

  • Content Priorities
    • Enduring Understanding
      • Different Organ Systems require different measurement tools and techniques
    • Important to Do and Know
      • Become familiar with different measurement tools
    • Worth Being Familiar with
      • Programming a system to collect and analyze measurements

Assessment of Learning

  • Formative Assessment
    • In Class (groups)
      • Generate "knows/need to knows"
      • Discuss vital signs and how to measure them
      • Discuss individual measurement procedures
      • Discuss results and conclusions
    • Homework (individual)
      • Internet based search on human physiology and human body systems
      • Internet based search on human vital signs, health statistics
      • Develop sketch of robot design
      • Develop pseudocode for robot actions
      • Develop procedures for robot assembly and data acquisition of human vital signs
      • Develop procedures for making reliable digital measurements using probeware
      • Develop procedures for analyzing digital measurements
      • Develop computer program from pseudocode
      • Test computer program using loops, switches, and conditional statements
  • Summative Assessment
    • Whole class presentation
    • Peer Evaluations

Legacy Cycle

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  • Students are exposed to STEM based approach to problem solving

By the next class period, students will be able to:

  • Depending on the number of measuring tools used, the students will design a robot to:

(Surface Temperature Sensor)

  • Compare the rate of recovery from cold in two different skin regions.
  • Correlate rate of recovery with vascularity.
  • Compare the temperature of air that has passed through the nasal passageways with air that

has not.

  • Evaluate the contribution of nasal passages vs. lungs to the warming of the air we breathe.

(Blood Pressure Sensor)

  • Obtain graphical representation of blood pressure.
  • Compare changes in systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures with exercise.
  • Use blood pressure readings and pulse to infer changes in cardiac output and peripheral

vascular resistance with exercise.

  • Compare blood pressure before and after exposure to cold stimulus.
  • Observe an example of sympathetic nervous system activation (“fight or flight” response).
  • Obtain representation of blood pressure measured at different times of the day.
  • Analyze the variability of blood pressure readings individually and as a class.
  • Correlate your findings with variables that may have influenced your blood pressure.
  • Obtain graphical representation of heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Compare heart rate and blood pressure before and after exposure to cold stimulus.
  • Observe an example of sympathetic nervous system activation (“fight or flight response”).
  • Determine the effect of exercise on heart rate, and systolic, diastolic and mean arterial


  • Use blood pressure readings and pulse to infer changes in cardiac output and peripheral

vascular resistance with exercise.

  • Correlate the fitness level of individuals with amount of daily exercise.

(Hand-Grip Heart Rate Monitor)

  • Obtain graphical representation of the heart rate at rest.
  • Observe the change in heart rate that occurs with repetitive coughing.
  • Correlate heart rate response to autonomic nervous system activity.
  • Obtain graphical representation of heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Compare heart rate and blood pressure before and after exposure to cold stimulus.
  • Observe an example of sympathetic nervous system activation (“fight or flight response”).
  • Determine the effect of exercise on heart rate.
  • Correlate the fitness level of individual with amount of daily exercise.
  • Obtain graphical representation of heart rate.
  • Compare heart rate before and after exposure to cold stimulus.
  • Observe an example of sympathetic nervous system activation (“fight or flight response”).
  • Observe pulse response to sudden squatting.
  • Observe pulse response to sudden standing from a squatting position.
  • Correlate pulse response to sympathetic nervous system function.
  • Determine the effect of exercise on heart rate, and systolic, diastolic and mean arterial


  • Use blood pressure readings and pulse to infer changes in cardiac output and peripheral

vascular resistance with exercise.

  • Correlate the fitness level of individuals with amount of daily exercise.

(Hand Dynamometer)

  • Obtain graphical representation of the electrical activity of a muscle.
  • Correlate grip strength measurements with electrical activity data.
  • Correlate measurements of grip strength and electrical activity with muscle fatigue.
  • Observe the effect on grip strength of a conscious effort to overcome fatigue.
  • Obtain graphical representation of the force exerted by your hand while gripping.
  • Observe the change in hand strength during a continuous grip over time.
  • Observe the change in hand strength during rapid, repetitive gripping.

(grip strength tba)

(EKG Sensor)

  • Obtain graphical representation of the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time.
  • Learn to recognize the different wave forms seen in an EKG, and associate these wave

forms with activity of the heart.

  • Determine the heart rate by determining the rate of individual wave forms in the EKG.
  • Compare wave forms generated by alternate EKG lead placements.
  • Obtain graphical representation of the electrical activity of a muscle.
  • Correlate grip strength measurements with electrical activity data.
  • Correlate measurements of grip strength and electrical activity with muscle fatigue.
  • Observe the effect on grip strength of a conscious effort to overcome fatigue.
  • Obtain graphical representation of the electrical activity of a muscle.
  • Associate amount of electrical activity with strength of muscle contraction.
  • Compare masseter muscle function during different types of chewing activity.
  • Obtain graphical representation of the electrical activity of a muscle.
  • Associate muscle activity with movement of joints.
  • Correlate muscle activity with injury.
  • Graph the electrical activity of a muscle activated by a reflex arc through nerves to and

from the spinal cord.

  • Compare the relative speeds of voluntary and reflex muscle activation.
  • Associate muscle activity with involuntary activation.
  • Observe the effect of central nervous system influence on reflex amplitude.
  • Calculate the approximate speed of a nerve impulse.
  • Compare reflex response and electrical amplitude in different subjects.
  • Obtain graphical representation of the electrical activity of a muscle activated by a reflex

arc through nerves to and from the spinal cord.

  • Associate muscle activity with involuntary activation.
  • Observe the effect of central nervous system influence on reflex amplitude.


  • Obtain graphical representation of a flow volume loop.
  • Find the forced expiratory volume at 1 s (FEV1) and the forced vital capacity (FVC).
  • Calculate FEV1/FVC.
  • Find the peak expiratory flow rate (PEF).
  • Create flow volume loops for several clinical scenarios.
  • Obtain graphical representation of lung capacities and volumes.
  • Compare lung volumes between males and females.
  • Correlate lung volumes with clinical conditions.
  • Obtain graphical representation of tidal volume and change in O2 concentration with

breathing at rest and after exercise.

  • Calculate oxygen consumption at rest and after exercise.
  • Correlate your findings with clinical situations.
  • Obtain graphical representation of normal tidal volume.
  • Compare tidal volumes generated by various physiologic challenges.
  • Correlate your findings with real-life situations.

(O2 Gas Sensor)

  • Simulate different volumes of dead space.
  • Measure the oxygen concentration within the dead space.
  • Correlate dead space volume with a variety of physiologic challenges.
  • Obtain graphical representation of tidal volume and change in O2 concentration with

breathing at rest and after exercise.

  • Calculate oxygen consumption at rest and after exercise.
  • Correlate your findings with clinical situations.
  • Measure the concentration of exhaled oxygen.
  • Observe the efficiency of oxygen extraction by the lungs as the inhaled oxygen

concentration is reduced.

(25-g Accelerometer)

  • Graph the electrical activity of a muscle activated by a reflex arc through nerves to and

from the spinal cord.

  • Compare the relative speeds of voluntary and reflex muscle activation.
  • Associate muscle activity with involuntary activation.
  • Observe the effect of central nervous system influence on reflex amplitude.
  • Calculate the approximate speed of a nerve impulse.
  • Compare reflex response and electrical amplitude in different subjects.


Design a medical team of robots to conduct a complete medical diagnosis of individuals and generate a health rating.


Generate and chart student responses as "Knows/Need to Knows" on chart paper.

Provide resources only as a response to a "Need to Know" identified by the students.


Students brainstorm different approaches to their design that will include

  • Function
  • Physical attributes
  • Data collection capabilities
  • Remote control option or fully automated

Based on "need to knows", instructor offers mini-lessons (15 minute max) on

  • Programming
  • Building
  • Wiring
  • Inputs/outputs


After students engage in data collection they:

  • Decide what additional tools they need to accomplish the challenge.
  • Identify or explore additional hardware/software needs.
  • Narrow focus to high-risk sector of the population (elderly/infants)


Students will compare their results to other groups, and gauge their progress from peer reviews.


  • Post projects on the web
  • Host a health clinic to promote STEM career awareness in the local community
  • Host a health clinic to promote STEM career awareness among younger children
  • Volunteer at nursing homes to work with the elderly
  • Work with children clinics to make children check-ups more fun