UC Women's Group Mentoring Program/Participant 8's story

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Most Significant Change

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Contact details

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Name of storyteller: Participant 8

Name of person recording story: Mark Spain

Location: UC Campus

Date of recording: 21 July 2010


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How did you become involved in UC WGMP?

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1. What changes have you noticed since you have finished the program?

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  1. I felt it built bridges across the university. I see mainly academics. It was great to meet general staff. I got to appreciate a variety of positions.
  2. It made my job easier to get things out across the uni. I have used my contact people for a variety of reasons over the years.
  3. Bonded me more to the uni. I got a stronger feeling of belonging and loyalty.
  4. I saw the value of other people moving ahead. It was OK for them to move on even outside the uni because the fit wasn’t right for both parties. The group gave people confidence to make good choices in their career
  5. There is no other place in the uni I want to go. I am happy with my career.

2. What has been the MOST significant change?

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The most significant change for me is building bridges across the university.

Beginning (situation before the change)

I worked without the help of a network of contacts across the university.

Middle (what happened)

The group gave people confidence to make good choices in their career. Topics were chosen by the group and group members ran their own session. For example we had a section of the program on job applications and interviews. We had practice sessions of getting questions before going to an interview. It was a safe supportive environment for giving and receiving helpful feedback.

I also became more aware of the lack of skills and opportunity with some admin staff eg Microsoft Office skills. I was able to help here although it was outside my job responsibilities.

End (situation after)

It’s easier for me to get things done. My people contacts are still there. I know the positions where to go for answers even if people have moved on from their positions.

If I can’t get to a faculty via the ADE I now know I can get there through the admin person.

There are a few more walls up between faculties when resources are scarce and it is a competitive performance oriented environment. You need people and good relationships to break through these walls. The WGMP was very helpful for building and sustaining these productive relationships.

3. Why was this change significant for you?

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Makes it easier to get my job done and it is more important to me to enjoy my work.

It’s a huge lack with the staff club gone. At Mizzunas I can talk informally with people I know. The staff club environment was great for building relationships with people I didn’t know and exchange ideas.

from Jess Dart http://www.clearhorizon.com.au