Tibetan language/Developmental initiatives

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This section is a wish list/brainstorm section to progress this initiative. It would be of value to organize this section somehow. Any initiatives would be most welcome. Some of this fodder may be harvested into intelligible units, lessons plans, others may require different kinds of action initiatives or other activities like networking or communication or researching and documenting on our weblogs for example.

  • Please all members of the team give this a good read Tibetan script and take notes of salient points on ur weblogs.
  • has anybody in this group ever written a course outline? Here is a kickstart for that: How to write a course outline
  • jump straight in the deep end and lets decide on a Tibetan script to turn into Wylie and then to render into English as a team, something of benefit for both ourselves and other sentient beings...suggestions please.
  • we need instructions to support people to enable their operating system of choice to render and enable Tibetan script and fonts. Please document how u do this on ur weblogs so we may extract and collate information for others who follow in our wake.
  • it would be wise if one of the team would research tools to harness assisted learning and memory retention. Here is a starting point Intelligence Intensification/Memory Techniques. What we specifically need are techniques to aid in the encoding of arbitrary signs and associating them with and grafting them to knowledge and information we already have. Arbitrary signs are ones that have no inherent clues as to what they denote. For further information on this refer Course in General Linguistics.
  • I have assempled contacts of mentors and process/project partners on the TalkPage of this article please include details of others you may know, we need to invite the inclusion of others and publicize and market this resource and learning initiative, any ideas?
  • Now this is a collaborative venture which I will focalize but it is imperative that we all contribute as we each have unique giftings and propensities
  • Please start editing and contributing so we may get this initiative underway!
  • It is very important to be self-reflective and document our learning on our weblogs. These can be structured in many many different ways. Lets take note of each others weblogs to learn innovations from each other and progress this together.
  • do we feel that a number of learning objectives should be broken into individual lectures or classes or something else? Or some hybridization...
  • i recommend that each of us play the Tibetan Alphabet Game for a few minutes every day. Just try to really memorize maybe one sign/sound every day in addition to playing the game. Any other ideas? Can somebody search the Internet and see if they can source other tools? The jigtenmig.blogspot has a number of listing of tools and this is a very powerful resource I am very privileged to draw your attention to.
  • Can somebody please investigate this site A Design Portal for Cocreating a Global Wisdom Community to see if it holds anything of value for us and if so please take notes on ur weblog.
  • We may want to conference with each other through Skype? Does anybody have any other insight into technologies and tools that may be of interest.
  • Can somebody please take the initiative to contact possible points of origin of a lotsawa for mentorship? Someone who will do pro bono work for us.
  • We may need to create audiovisual resources for efficiency...can somebody investigate how to do that? There will be resources for this somewhere in the Wikipedia and sibling communities. There may be a way to capture information from Skype can somebody please investigate if that is possible or other possible tools to do this. They will be free out there somewhere.
  • ...diglossia (literary and spoken Tibetan), which does constitute an enormous barrier to the learning and spread of Tibetan. [1] Refer register.


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  1. Source: [1]