Theology/Seminary Notes/Timeline from Reformation Handout

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Time Line

1304 B Petrarch

1415 D Hus

1453 D Constantine XI

1498 D Savonarola

1516 Erasmeus NT

1517 95 Theses

1519 Charles V becomes Emperor

1520 Three Tretises

1521 Magellan Sails World

1521 Loci Communes

1523 First Zurich Disputation

1523 D Hutton

1525 Battle of Pavia

1525 Peasant's War

1526 Battle of Mohacs

1527 Henry VIII seeks divorce

1527 Sack of Rome

1527 Schleitheim Confession

1529 Marburg Colloquy

1530 Diet of Augsburg

1531 D Zwingli

1534 Affair of Placards 17 October 1534. One posted on the bedchamber door of King Francis I at Amboise

1536 First Institutes

1540 Society of Jesus

1542 D Contarini

1545 Council of trent

1546 D Luther

1546 Smalkald War

1547 D Henry VIII

1547 D Francis I

1549 Zurich Concensus

1553 D Servetus

1555 Peace of Augsburg

1559 D Menno Simons

1559 Last Institutes

1561 Colloquy at Poissy

1563 Heidelburg Cathechism

1572 Massacre of St Bartholomew's day

1578 D Bullinger

1584 D William of Orange

1598 Edict of Nantes

1675 Helvetic Consensus Formula