Template:Use case/doc

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Usage: {{use case|<name>|<goal>|<scope>|<level>|<primary actor>|<priority>|<technical difficulty>|<related use cases>}}

Use Case: The name of the use case - the goal as a short active verb phrase.
Goal in Context: A longer statement of the goal.
Applicability: Scope: applicable to which systems/user base etc.
Level: Summary/Primary task/Subfunction i.e. a broad class of use cases/a specific use case/a small component of a broader/specific use case
Primary Actor: The role of the primary actor, or brief description.
Priority: How critical to your system / organization? - High/Medium/Low i.e. critical, important, "nice to have".
Technical Difficulty: How difficult is this likely to be to implement? High/Medium/Low (requires knowledge of software developers).
Related Use Cases: Related use cases/ user stories - link to them


Use Case: Create exam hint for mobile access
Goal in Context: An educator near exam time wants to give learners a hint for exam success (e.g. "read the question carefully")
Applicability: eXe: an iDevice for creating such a mobile tip; the tip may be posted to an appropriate place on the relevant site (e.g. WikiEducator, Connexions, EduCommons, etc.) as part of a particular course, etc. - for mobile access.
Level: Summary
Primary Actor: Educator
Priority: High
Technical Difficulty: Low
Related Use Cases: no related use cases yet

The wiki markup for the above use case is:

{{use case
|Create exam hint for mobile access
|An educator near exam time wants to give learners a hint for exam success (e.g. "read the question carefully")
|eXe: an iDevice for creating such a mobile tip; the tip may be posted to an appropriate place on the relevant site (e.g. WikiEducator, Connexions, EduCommons, etc.) as part of a particular course, etc. - for mobile access.
|no related use cases yet

See: Alistair's work, specifically the Basic use case template and Use cases, ten years later, and also Pluggable use cases by Devonne Strysick.