Template:Strategic studies/Project

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part of Strategic Studies>Course: Introduction to Strategic Studies>Class on: Class Subject

The Project

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This is a description of the project, and what it tries to teach or illustrate.

How Do I Use It to Learn?

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The purpose of a project is to reinforce the knowledge you have gained from personal study by doing something that applies that knowledge. You may do one of the suggested activities in this project, you may do them all. You can even add your own activity and do it. It is entirely up to you. You may choose to do one now, and do one later so that you can see to what degree your knowledge on this subject has deepened. You are free to choose how you approach the deepening of your understanding.

Every project has a question or set of questions to answer. Through doing an activity (or activities), you give yourself the ability to answer these questions from your own experiences. When you feel it is time, please create a page that is a /sub-page/ of this page and write your thoughts from the experience you gained. You can link the sub-page through the "Active Participants" section below. Good luck, and happy learning!


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  1. ...
  2. ...


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  • this
  • that
  • the other thing...

Active Participants

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Remember to post your findings or links to your work in the discussion page, and make suggestions for improvements to the Class based on your work!