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This template displays quoted text in two columns. It is useful where text may be presented in original and translated versions.

This template may be added by copy-pasting the template as shown below into an article.



[edit source]
Parameter Explanation
width Set the table width in px, em or %
lmargin Set the table left margin in px, em or %
bgcolor Set the table background color; defaults to transparent
  • The color of the WP left sidebar with the default Monobook skin is #F9F9F9
  • The WP article background with the default Monobook skin is #F8FCFF
  • For the default table background, set background= with no value
  • See web colors and list of colors for more.

Please ensure that the result will be readable by people with color blindness, and those with visual disabilities. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines recommend a contrast ratio of at least 5:1 for text — use this Contrast ratio calculator to help determine if the colors you choose will be visible to everyone.

hdalign Set the horizontal alignment for the header to left, center or right; defaults to left.
gutter Spacing between quote1 and quote2 in px, em or %
header Text of the header row
quote1 Text of the left quote box; line breaks are maintained
quote2 Text of the right quote box; formatted the same as quote1


[edit source]

Sample input:

 |header='''Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs'''
 |quote1=I promise on my honour
 To do my best
 To serve God and my country
 To help my fellow people
 And to live according our Law.
 |quote2=Ich verspreche bei meiner Ehre,
 dass ich mein Bestes tun will,
 Gott und meinem Vaterland zu dienen,
 meinen Mitmenschen zu helfen
 und nach unseren Gesetzen zu leben.

and appearance:

Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs

I promise on my honour
To do my best
To serve God and my country
To help my fellow people
And to live according our Law.


Ich verspreche bei meiner Ehre,
dass ich mein Bestes tun will,
Gott und meinem Vaterland zu dienen,
meinen Mitmenschen zu helfen
und nach unseren Gesetzen zu leben.

Example with fancy indenting

[edit source]

Here is a fancier example, which does indentation better when columns are very narrow, at the cost of more-complicated specification:

 |quote1=<div style='margin-left: 2em; text-indent: -2em'>ξεῖνε, Φιλίταϲ εἰμί·  λόγων ὁ ψευδόμενόϲ με</div><div style='margin-left: 3em; text-indent: -2em'>ὥλεϲε καὶ νυκτῶν φροντίδεϲ ἑϲπέριοι</div>
 |quote2=<div style='margin-left: 2em; text-indent: -2em'>''{{transl|el|ISO|Xeîne, Philítas eimí. Lógōn ho pseudómenós me}}''</div><div style='margin-left: 3em; text-indent: -2em'>''{{transl|el|ISO|hṓlese kaì nyktôn phrontídes hespérioi}}''</div>

and appearance:

ξεῖνε, Φιλίταϲ εἰμί·  λόγων ὁ ψευδόμενόϲ με
ὥλεϲε καὶ νυκτῶν φροντίδεϲ ἑϲπέριοι
Xeîne, Philítas eimí. Lógōn ho pseudómenós me
hṓlese kaì nyktôn phrontídes hespérioi