This encloses a singular proper noun (NNP).
These are the tags used in the Penn Treebank.
Word level tags
[edit source]Tag | Part of speech |
CC | Coordinating conjunction |
CD | Cardinal number |
DT | Determiner |
EX | Existential there |
FW | Foreign word |
IN | Preposition or subordinating conjunction |
JJ | Adjective |
JJR | Adjective (comparative) |
JJS | Adjective (superlative) |
LS | List item marker |
MD | Modal |
NN | Noun (singular or mass) |
NNS | Noun (plural) |
NNP | Proper noun (singular) |
NNPS | Proper noun (plural) |
PDT | Predeterminer |
POS | Possessive ending |
PRP | Personal pronoun |
PRP$ | Possessive pronoun |
RB | Adverb |
RBR | Adverb (comparative) |
RBS | Adverb (superlative) |
RP | Particle |
SYM | Symbol |
TO | to |
VB | Verb (base form) |
VBD | Verb (past tense) |
VBG | Verb (gerund or present participle) |
VBN | Verb (past participle) |
VBP | Verb (non-3rd person singular present) |
VBZ | Verb (3rd person singular present) |
WDT | Wh-determiner |
WP | Wh-pronoun |
WP$ | Possessive wh-pronoun |
WRB | Wh-adverb |
Phrase level tags
[edit source]Tag | Part of speech |
ADJP | Adjective Phrase |
ADVP | Adverb Phrase |
CONJP | Conjunction Phrase |
FRAG | Fragment |
INTJ | Interjection |
LST | List marker |
NAC | Not a Constituent |
NP | Noun Phrase |
NX | marks the head of the NP |
PP | Prepositional Phrase |
PRN | Parenthetical |
PRT | Particle |
QP | Quantifier Phrase |
RRC | Reduced Relative Clause |
UCP | Unlike Coordinated Phrase |
VP | Verb Phrase |
WHADJP | Wh-adjective Phrase |
WHAVP | Wh-adverb Phrase |
WHNP | Wh-noun Phrase |
WHPP | Wh-prepositional Phrase |
X | Unknown, uncertain, or unbracketable |
Clause level tags
[edit source]Tag | Clause |
S | Simple declarative clause |
SBAR | Clause introduced by a (possibly empty) subordinating conjunction |
SBARQ | Direct question introduced by a wh-word or a wh-phrase |
SINV | Inverted declarative sentence |
SQ | Inverted yes/no question, or main clause of a wh-question, following the wh-phrase in SBARQ |