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Template:Filmmaking:Matte Painting:completed assignments

From Wikiversity


Instructor's notes
For this assignment, I want students to create a matte painting.
Instead, this is rotoscoping. The effect is very similar to a matte painting but rotoscoping requires a huge amount of effort and time. To do this special effect (rotoscoping), the filmmaker must hand paint each frame. That is a lot of work.

Created with FrameForge 3D Studio and ArtRage 2 FREE

  • The instructor has redrawn the picture to show one possible way to do this.


Instructor's notes
I took the student's picture and created a matte painting. Notice that the entire area where the actors will be walking is kept without change. Only where the actors do not walk, do I add a painting.
Notice that I had problems with the color of the ground of the storyboard vs. the color of the sidewalk in the matte painting. To do this well, you need to blend the two together to make it seem natural.
Note 2
It looks like I reduced the size of the original storyboard frame. Actually, to do this correctly, the matte painting itself would be HUGE so the original storyboard frame would be actual size.

Created with FrameForge 3D Studio and photoshop

  • Look at how the matte painting will be used.

Background info
To use the matte painting, you will put the matte painting into Adobe AfterEffects along with the movie of the man and boy walking (in this case the animation created by FrameForge 3D Studio or the still images created by FrameForge 3D studio). A mask is created (as shown in blue here) which is the key to combining the image from the matte painting with the movie of the actors moving.

Created with FrameForge 3D Studio and photoshop