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Template:Bloom clock plant bottom-test

From Wikiversity

This template is used for adding identification characteristics on Bloom Clock Profiles. The data collected on this template adds categories which are used to create dichotomous keys.

Update version:

{{bloom clock plant bottom-test|
| taxa level (genus, species, variety) = 
| white flowers = 
| pink flowers = 
| red flowers = 
| orange flowers = 
| yellow flowers = 
| green flowers = 
| blue flowers = 
| purple flowers = 
| brown flowers = 
| black flowers = 
| flower color (/ white, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black) =
| calendar season (/ winter, spring, summer, fall) = 
| insect pollinated = 
| wind pollinated = 
| bird pollinated = 
| water pollinated = 
| self pollinated = 
| pollination method (/pollination/ wind, insect, water, self) =
| herbaceous = 
| woody = 
| forb = 
| shrub = 
| tree = 
| vine = 
| emergent aquatic = 
| submerged aquatic = 
| floating aquatic = 
| type (/ herbaceous, shrub, tree, vine) = 
| family = 
| genus = 
| armed (yes if armed) = 
| leaf complexity (simple, pinnately compound, palmately compound, trifoliate) =
| leaf arrangement (opposite, alternate, whorled, basal only, none) = 
| leaves absent when flowering (yes if true) =
| lobes (pinnate, palmate, none) = 
| deciduous/evergreen/semi-evergreen = 
| petiolate/sessile = 
| leaf veination (pinnate, palmate, linear) = 
| version tracking for bottom template (for robotic use) = 8.5.12

New page version:

{{bloom clock plant bottom-test|
| taxa level (genus, species, variety) = 
| white flowers = 
| pink flowers = 
| red flowers = 
| orange flowers = 
| yellow flowers = 
| green flowers = 
| blue flowers = 
| purple flowers = 
| brown flowers = 
| black flowers = 
| insect pollinated = 
| wind pollinated = 
| bird pollinated = 
| water pollinated = 
| self pollinated = 
| herbaceous = 
| woody = 
| forb = 
| shrub = 
| tree = 
| vine = 
| emergent aquatic = 
| submerged aquatic = 
| floating aquatic = 
| family = 
| genus = 
| armed (yes if armed) = 
| leaf complexity (simple, pinnately compound, palmately compound, trifoliate) =
| leaf arrangement (opposite, alternate, whorled, basal only, none) = 
| leaves absent when flowering (yes if true) =
| lobes (pinnate, palmate, none) = 
| deciduous/evergreen/semi-evergreen = 
| petiolate/sessile = 
| leaf veination (pinnate, palmate, linear) = 
| version tracking for bottom template (for robotic use) = 8.5.12
Potential additional fields;
| leaf shape = 
| leaf margin = 
| leaf upper surface = 
| leaf lower surface = 
| stem cross section = 
| stem rigidity = 
| stem lenghtwise = 
| stem alignment = 
| nodes = 
| pith = 
| stem surface = 
| young bark = 
| mature bark = 
| mature height = 
| mature spread = 
| root system = 
| fruit type = 
| fruit calendar season = 
| number of carpels = 
| number of seeds = 
| seed type = 
| inflorescence type = 
| flower shape = 
| perianth number = 
| calyx number = 
| anthers number = 
| pistil position = 
| involcural rows = 
| aster type = 