Teaching English as a lingua franca

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This Wikiversity page aims at providing readers with sources for teaching English as a global lingua franca.

Background Information

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The following Wikipedia articles give background information on teaching English as a global language:

The following websites provide cross-cultural background information on various aspects:

Websites and Webpages

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Teaching and Learning Material for Beginners

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  • Grzega, Joachim (with the assistance of Marion Schöner and Katja Weber) (2009), Hello World!, vol. 1 Teacher Handbook Basic Global English (BGE) for First-Year Learners of Age Group 7-10 and vol. 2 Learner Materials Basic Global English (BGE) for First-Year Learners of Age Group 7-10, Eichstätt: ASEcoLi.
  • Grzega, Joachim (with the assistance of Marion Schöner) (2009), Welcome to the World! Basic Global English (BGE) Do-It-Yourself, Eichstätt: ASEcoLi (available for free).
  • Grzega, Joachim (2009), Welcome, Global Players! Basic Global English (BGE) for Adult Learner Groups, Eichstätt: ASEcoLi.

Teaching and Learning Material for Advanced Learners

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  • Grzega, Joachim (2009), How to Become the Perfect Intercultural Professor: Tricks and Bricks for Intercultural Academic Teaching in English (and Other Languages), Eichstätt: ASEcoLi.
  • Lewis, Richard (2006), When Cultures Collide: Leading Across Cultures, Boston/London: Nicholas Brealey International.
  • Morrison, Terri / Conaway, Wayne A. (2006), Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands, 2nd ed., Avon: Adams Media. See also the supplementary material.
  • Trompenaars, Fons / Hampden-Turner, Charles (1997), Riding the Waves of Cultures: Understanding Cultural Diversity in Business, 2nd ed., London: Nicholas Brealey.