Teaching EFL Listening via FUN WITH ENGLISH Books/8B/Lesson 14
牛津初中英语·同步听力(八年级上) FUN WITH ENGLISH 8B Lessons
Anqing Foreign Language School
Lesson 14
Version 0.1
This will be the final lesson for my students. I have decided rather than having a traditional class, I want to have an exit interview with each individual student. One more class would be helpful, but the chance to have a quick conversation with one individual student will yield insights I may miss about some quiet students when teaching everyone and give them a chance to say anything they might want to say to me.
Lesson Objectives
[edit | edit source]- Class will begin on time with everyone in their seats.
- I will chat with every student for one minute, recording all of their information, and imparting whatever feedback I can in that time.
- We will spend a few minutes going over the famous local opera, giving the students a chance to teach me about their culture.
Lesson Plan
[edit | edit source]- Before Class
- Arrive at least 4 minutes before class begins.
- Get the computer working and ready to go.
- 3 Minutes before class begins, Mr. Brown's students are out of the room and my students get in their seats.
- Greeting: Yo! What's up?
- Knock Knock Joke
- Knock Knock / Who's there? / Hugh! / Hugh who? / Hugh made me love you!
- Source: Aha! Jokes, http://www.AhaJokes.com/
- Knock Knock / Who's there? / Hugh! / Hugh who? / Hugh made me love you!
- Introduce the Coming Test
- Let them know about the upcoming test.
- Grade 7 the test will be on chapters 8 to 12.
- Grade 8 the test will be on chapters 2 to 6.
- 3 sections with 10 questions
- read twice
- talk = instant fail
- held downstairs in the auditorium
- answer every question
- Let them know about the upcoming test.
- Put on a movie (Mr. Brown) and give them American comics.
- Write some questions on the board for them to think about.
- Hand out American comics for them to read while the movie is playing.
- Student Chats (Mr. Brown)
- Have them write down their Chinese name in hanzi and pinyin.
- Chat briefly about what I think of them.
- Depending on how well they do on the final exam things might change.
- Keep it under a minute.
- Chat about the movie.
- Go over the questions.
- Play it through again, freeze framing and asking questions depending on what's happening on screen. (Mr. Brown)
- Go over Huang Mei Shi
- Put the image on the screen, tell them I like the song and I want them to teach me.
Extra Time
[edit | edit source]- Telephone in rows of 4 people.
- Missing Words Listening
Lesson Review
[edit | edit source]31 May 2010 AM Period 3 Grade 7 Class 1
[edit | edit source]- First time I'd arrived class 5 to 6 minutes before the bell and gotten everything set up and ready before class begins. As I did, and it went OK to start I thought, jeeze maybe these kids aren't so tough, maybe I was just ill prepared all year. Soon enough they were all talking to eachother in Chinese, and some swearing in English.
- Knock Knock
- Smiles
- QQ English Corner Announcement
- Test
- Said it twice with a little bit of Chinese.
- Watch Wallace & Grommit and chat with the students
- I'd already told them their grades, so I just gave them some words of encouragement heading forward and gave some the opportunity to write for me in the future.
- Class went about a minute over the bell.
31 May 2010 AM Period 1 Grade 7 Class 6
[edit | edit source]- Knock Knock
- Nothing
- QQ English Corner Announcement
- Test
- Made a joke, calling it Danoff-Kao after Gao kao and Zhong Kao
- Watch Wallace & Grommit and chat with the students
- Told them their speaking grades and had short chats.
31 May 2010 AM Period 4 Grade 7 Class 5
[edit | edit source]- In all the morning classes I forgot to let them see the American comics, which may be fine. Might be enough with just the movie to watch and learn from.
- Knock Knock
- Those who listened smiled, but there weren't many.
- QQ English Corner Announcement
- Test
- Watch Wallace & Grommit and chat with the students
- One boy who was good the whole term, but then really annoyed me last week. I almost didn't give him the chance to write for me, then I did, came up to me after class to clarify the topic which was a nice sign.
- Laughing at the chase scene on the train.
- One boy told me I should not use a red pen for having the students write down their names, because it is associated with them being in trouble.
31 May 2010 PM Period 2 Grade 8 Class 9
[edit | edit source]- Knock Knock
- Do not recall getting more than 1 or 2 smiles.
- QQ English Corner Announcement
- Test
- Watch Wallace & Grommit + comics + chat with the students
- Gave the kids their grades last week, so this was just making sure I had their names right. Tried chatting to some, but it never really happened, most just came up and then went right back to sit down.
- Comics did not garner much response.
- The Birds
- Huang Mei Shi
- Put up the lyrics written out a minute or two before the bell and it caught the interest of some.
- Afterward a boy taught me how to sing some parts.
31 May 2010 PM Period 2 Grade 7 Class 4
[edit | edit source]- Usually with the second afternoon class there is a five minute period where they do eye exercises, in their class Monday that didn't happen.
- Additionally there was a woman working on the computer so I could not use it at first.
- These two factors threw me off at the beginning of the lesson.
- Name riddle
- Did it as a stall for the students and it went alright.
- QQ English Corner Announcement
- Test Explanation
- Watch Wallace & Grommit and chat with the students + hand out comics
- One girl informed me she does not pay attention in my class, because it is "boring".
- Gave out the comics, and as soon as one or two kids said they could not understand, they stopped.
- Huang Mei Shi
- Students got interested, but they were all too shy to actually sing which was a little bit of a pity.
31 May 2010 Notes
[edit | edit source]- As I was sitting and chatting with the students, I invited "select" students based on intuition to write articles for me next week.
- I then felt guilty if they chatted with other students about it, although it was also nice to see some who felt pride.
- Think what I am doing is silly and unfair. I am just going to invite everyone to write for me. Odds are the vast majority of them will not, and if I'm lucky I may get a surprise out there.
- Find myself repeating the same things over and over and over to the students about their grades going forward, mostly encouraging them to speak English more.
- In one class I did not really talk to them much at all, because I was a little distracted by the cartoon and they were moving quickly. I do not know if that was better/worse.
What Could I Have Done Better?
- Had more helpful conversations with the students.
- Presented the opera in a different way that was comfortable.
What Did I Do Well?
- Restrained my bubbling anger after one student's critical comment.
What Did I Learn?
- Do not necessarily need to chat in depth with all the students.
What Did My Students Get From The Lesson?
- Information about their grades and a final chat with me.
- Exposure to British animation.
- Knowledge that a foreinger's interested in their local culture.
Were the Lesson Objectives Achieved? Why?
- Class will begin on time with everyone in their seats.
- Done in 4 out of 5 classes, the 5th one I did not respond well to changing circumstances.
- I will chat with every student for one minute, recording all of their information, and imparting whatever feedback I can in that time.
- Not done, did not chat with every student.
- We will spend a few minutes going over the famous local opera, giving the students a chance to teach me about their culture.
- Done in 2 out of 5 classes, not successfully.
How can I Improve the Lesson?
1 June 2010 AM Period 4 Grade 7 Class 3
[edit | edit source]- Knock Knock joke
- Was not very enthusiastic about explaining the joke, and no one laughed.
- Announcements: QQ English Corner & Writing Opporunity
- Decided just to give all the students who wanted to the chance to write for me. Felt it was wrong to only select certain students as worthy of the chance.
- Movie + American Comics + Chat
- Again from what I could tell the American comics were viewed then quickly discarded.
- The short film did get a lot of attention; however.
- My chats were alright, moved with my back to the screen, which helped me to focus on the student I was chatting with. Again though, I took too long with the students at the beginning, forcing me to rush through the end. I feel myself preaching at these kids when they sit down. Perhaps instead, I should be asking them questions, though we do not really have too much time.
1 June 2010 Notes
[edit | edit source]What Could I Have Done Better?
- Given the kids something useful in our conversation or nothing at all instead of a few cliched words about speaking more English in the future and having confidence.
- Tried a differnt joke or a riddle or something else instead of sticking with a Knock Knock joke I did not think it was funny just because it was in the lesson plan.
What Did I Do Well?
- Giving all the students an opportunity and especially encouraging select students, instead of exclusively giving them the chance.
What Did I Learn?
- With some pupils it may be better just to give them their grade and move on.
What Did My Students Get From The Lesson?
- A short opportunity to chat with me and a chance to relax over an English film in the midst of their busy lives.
Were the Lesson Objectives Achieved? Why?
- Class will begin on time with everyone in their seats.
- As far as factors within my control, yes.
- I will chat with every student for one minute, recording all of their information, and imparting whatever feedback I can in that time.
- Not done, because I took too long with the beginning students.
- We will spend a few minutes going over the famous local opera, giving the students a chance to teach me about their culture.
- Not done, no time.
How can I Improve the Lesson?
- Perhaps try telling the students their grades then asking questions and for those on the border, take Mr. Brown's idea and ask them what they think their grade should be?
2 June 2010 AM Period 1 Grade 8 Class 1
[edit | edit source]- My USB was not being accepted by the computer at the beginning of the lesson. I was a little fatigued already and then that threw me off.
- They were sitting around in different seats and for whatever reason I decided to let them get away with it becasue in general they have worked for me this term. Was a mistake.
- Riddle
- Tried two to stall for time as I figured out the computer. Most of the students were not listening.
- Funny answers from last week
- No one was listening at all.
- Computer started to work during this time.
- QQ English Corner Announcement
- Write for me Announcement
- Movie + Grades + Comics
- Comics got no reaction.
- Film got none either, I believe it was especially hampered because the room was quite bright making it difficult to see.
2 June 2010 AM Period 2 Grade 8 Class 3
[edit | edit source]- Before class everyone was sitting in their seats and I played poker face for them which they seemed to enjoy.
- Go over select answers from last week's charity activity.
- Got a few laughs which was nice.
- QQ English Corner Announcement
- Write an Article For Me Announcement
- I wasn't too enthused because they were not listening and I do not think anyone heard me.
- Mentioned it again to certain students when they came over to write their names down in pinyin.
- Movie + Grades + Comics
- Tried a little more with the comics than the other classes did.
- Room was dark so they could see the movie and laughed.
- Music Billie Jean
- Boys who danced last week did not again today.
2 June 2010 AM Period 4 Grade 8 Class 3
[edit | edit source]- Computer trouble again
- QQ English Corner Announcement
- Announcement of the article writing opportunity
- Test
- One of the boys said he wanted to play with my girlfriend. Thankfully I do not have one, though I still did not appreciate the comment.
- Movie + Grades Chat
- Music + Basketball Chat
- Really short, chatted very quickly about the Finals.
2 June 2010 PM Period 1 Grade 7 Class 11
[edit | edit source]- tired and not ready to begin class
- totally off until the computer was ready
- Did their grades last week.
- About halfway through, sitting with the kids started asking them if they had any ?'s.
- went bettter
- asked 1 girl why she didn't talk? -> Led to a nice conversation.
2 June 2010 PM Period 3 Grade 7 Class 10
[edit | edit source]- More rested.
- Started class by going over what they wrote the week before, for the "Lost" activity.
- Got some chuckles.
- Told them that I would talk to them in back while the movie was playing and that I wanted them to give me their names. Explaining beforehand made it a lot easier.
- Asked every student if they had any questions for me. Went way better than me talking at them. And the majority of them had questions for me. As a result of this I only told one or two students that they should write for me. Of course the conversations were naturally better because I took care of the grades last week, but I do still feel asking them questions was better.
2 June 2010 Critique
[edit | edit source]- Was nice having the classes where I had already given the kids the grades. Made the 1 on 1 time a lot more relaxed and allowed some kids to open up in ways they had not done in other classes.
- Definitely explaining to the kids what I will be doing in the back of the room before I begin is a better way to start the process.
- I am decidedly completely reliant on the computer this week. It has made me lazy in a way when I begin class. Have it all on there ready to go, and it just, I don't know, its made me less dynamic than I was at the end of last term when I was never able to use the computer the whole time.
- Its a nice tool, because I have become dependant on it is not the computer's fault.
What Could I Have Done Better?
- Not been so boring to start all of my lessons, especially those where I did not have the computer working.
What Did I Do Well?
- Adjusting to asking the students if they had any questions for me in our 1 on 1 chats.
What Did I Learn?
- Some kids want to chat, others do not.
What Did My Students Get From The Lesson?
- A short opportunity to chat with me and a chance to relax over an English film in the midst of their busy lives [same as yesterday].
Were the Lesson Objectives Achieved? Why?
- Class will begin on time with everyone in their seats.
- Yes.
- I will chat with every student for one minute, recording all of their information, and imparting whatever feedback I can in that time.
- Did not chat with all of them for a minute, some who wanted to went longer.
- We will spend a few minutes going over the famous local opera, giving the students a chance to teach me about their culture.
- Only had time to try this in one lesson and in that lesson I forgot about it.
How can I Improve the Lesson?
- Maybe try opening with the Huang Mei opera?
3 June 2010 AM Period 2 Grade 8 Class 5
[edit | edit source]- Before class one boy wanted to teach me his country's national anthem. He did and then they all ended up singing it for me to begin class.
- In turn, I sang the Star Spangled Banner.
3 June 2010 AM Period 3 Grade 8 Class 4
[edit | edit source]- Tried the national anthem again, went alright.
- Did not get too much of a response from what they wrote down for the charity activity.
3 June 2010 PM Period 2 Grade 8 Class 6
[edit | edit source]- Forgot my USB which made the movie/grades thing impossible.
- National Anthems Chat
- Got lost in our national anthem.
- Japan Chat
- Told them about my years in Japan, then taught them some Japanese words. One girl up front knew quite a few she'd learned from cartoons.
- Weddings Chat
- Asked them some questions about Chinese weddings and weddings in general, held their interest for a little bit.
- 4 Person Telephon
- Students had to give absolutely exact answers, only got a few.
Next Week
[edit | edit source]- Grades+Movie
3 June 2010 PM Period 2 Grade 7 Class 8
[edit | edit source]- One girl took her grade really hard, might be nice to chat with her again.
- Brought the wrong class sheet, so I had them write down on a piece of paper. Was easier for them to understand in some ways.
- Sang the American national anthem for them without making a mistake.
3 June 2010 Critique
[edit | edit source]- I was pretty tired this day and if it was that or something else, the students were having a lot of trouble grasping my explanations of their in class vs. speaking grades.
4 June 2010 AM Period 1 Grade 8 Class 10
[edit | edit source]- Got there about 2 minutes before which was enough time to get everyone in their proper seats, letting certain students slide, but not enough to get my USB into the computer and ready to begin.
- National Anthems Chat
- A few students were listening, but not that attentively.
- Announcements
- Some seemed to be interested in hearing about the QQ English corner and writing opportunity.
- Test
- Was surprised at how this quieted most of the class and they more than I expected were listening.
- Wallace and Grommit + Grades
- The students were interested in the show and most of the grade chats were understood and went quickly.
4 June 2010 AM Period 1 Grade 8 Class 10
[edit | edit source]- Decided to skip talking about the anthems or anything and go straight into the meat of the lesson. Gave me more time to chat with the students and then ask them questions at the end.
- Announcements
- Maybe should I be doing this before class begins?
- Test Information
- Show + Grades
- One girl was back/forth between an 80% or 75%. Decided on the lower grade and once I did, felt I had to give all students with similar charecterists: quiet/shy the same grade. Do not know if that was right.
- Chat about the show
- Played the show again and asked questions about different things which the majority of them were listening to and answering.
4 June 2010 AM Period 4 Grade 7 Class 9
[edit | edit source]- A female student asked me if I had listened to the song "Wonderful Tonight" when I replied that I had not, she was disappointed.
- The kids all compare grades, feels more appropriate to give certain groups the same grade.
- I have been doing number percentages. I think it might be better to move to letter grads as Mr. Brown does. This comparing is silly.
- Announcements
- Test Info
- Show + Grades
- Went all the way to the end of the period, they have a lot of students.
4 June 2010 PM Period 1 Grade 8 Class 8
[edit | edit source]- Switched from percentages to letter grades and it made the whole process a lot easier, kids understood more and there was not as much fussing around.
- Had a chance to chat with them about the show afterwards, which was really nice.
Next Week
[edit | edit source]- The Vampire's Assistant + Spice Girls
- Monitor the students who might be able to move up/down in grades.
4 June 2010 PM Period 1 Grade 8 Class 7
[edit | edit source]- Chats with the students in this class were the best I have had in all the classes. I asked kids I was not sure about "What grade do you think you have?" [Mr. Brown] then "Why?" and others I shared my thoughts on them as a student and going forward in a way that felt far more genuine than I had been doing in other classes.
4 June 2010 PM Period 1 Grade 8 Class 8
[edit | edit source]- A lot of kids were in between grades this class. I gave them the opportunity to improve their grade the next week if they paid attention.
- Not sure if that was right, but the grades were really hit or miss, so 1 positive lesson is probably worth a good grade, right?
4 June 2010 Notes
[edit | edit source]- There were multiple times were part of me felt a student deserved a certain grade, but while they were sitting down, I could just not bring myself to give them that grade.
- Part of it was because I was going off of intuition for their grade, if I had kept better notes throughout the term I could point to, perhaps I would not of backed off.
What Could I Have Done Better?
- Given students the grades they deserved instead of being "nice".
What Did I Do Well?
- Switched my approach from number to letter grades, even if it took me until Friday afternoon.
What Did I Learn?
- In certain situations keeping it simple makes it easier for both parties.
- It is difficult for me to give some students low marks.
What Did My Students Get From The Lesson?
- Information about their grades and a final chat with me.
- Exposure to British animation.
Were the Lesson Objectives Achieved? Why?
- Class will begin on time with everyone in their seats.
- In the morning alright, in the afternoon, done. Something I still need to improve upon, though there is precious little time remaining.
- I will chat with every student for one minute, recording all of their information, and imparting whatever feedback I can in that time.
- Done, but most for less than a minute.
- We will spend a few minutes going over the famous local opera, giving the students a chance to teach me about their culture.
- Barely done, decided it was better to focus more on chatting with them this week.
How can I Improve the Lesson?
- Best lesson:
- Announcements
- Quickly
- Test Information
- Say the last part about how they will fail if they chat in Chinese.
- Movie + Grades
- Before starting the movie write 2 questions on the board.
- Who is the chicken? / Are the trousers naughty?
- Give them letter grades not numbers, and keep the obvious students short to give you time to chat with ambiguous students.
- If the movie finishes while you are still chatting choose a student you trust to put on a new movie.
- Pay attention to how many students you have. If you have a whole lot, may be better to go quicker.
- Before starting the movie write 2 questions on the board.
- Extra Time
- Play the show again, and then stop it asking very simple questions about what they see or the characters are feeling.
[edit | edit source]Acknowledgments
[edit | edit source]- I would like to thank all the 7th and 8th grade classes at Anqing Foreign Language School who had this lesson for their participation and feedback. I would also like to thank the Anqing Foreign Language School for allowing me to teach there.
[edit | edit source]- I get many ideas from Stuart Brown. (Mr. Brown).
- Marjorie King provided some feedback on my last lessons, that was built into this lesson. (King)
[edit | edit source]- How to Say Goodbye to EFL Students by, Ilene Springer has some helpful ideas for saying goodbye.
Even more important than a final lesson is that students and teachers need that final moment to officially end the bond they have formed in class. Even if there is some contact afterwards (by email), there still needs to be some formal ending to the relationship. ... if you have any doubts about proper behavior, let culture be your guide. ... And you'll find these are the students who will hang around waiting for that extra moment of attention. When the other students leave, this gives you the chance for that little extra hug or words of encouragement.
[edit | edit source]29 May 2010
- Finalized version 0.1
Unused Ideas:
- Zoo activity highlights
- pics of my American home & family
- pics of American food?
- teach High 5's?
- Play the songs all the way through one time b4 we analyze them?
- music: We are not alone / Spice Girls / Lady Gaga Poker Face / Wonderful Tonight /
25 May 2010
- Version 0.1 Outline written at Shaliwen Coffee Shop in Mr. Brown and my weekly meeting.
- Talk about the test.
- Test: Grade 7 Zoo - Chapter 11 /Alien - 10
- next week: grade 7 - class monitior chapter 15
- pictures of 4 people + list of personality traits
- 1a + 2a
- grade 8: hiking chapter
- 1A + 2A&B