Talk:University of Canberra/OpenUC

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Showing ontological and epistemological appreciation

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In a discussion with Keith, he took the time to explain his position of "invitational empathy" more. He used the concepts ontology and epistemology, and noted Marx' use of the philosophies (need to find more), to frame his point that we need to seek out an understanding of the "other", empathise with their situation acknowledging the limitations of all knowledge, and propose our alternatives non-confrontationally. He suggested that to propose an alternative to which the "other's" world view is put into fundamental opposition, is to be confrontational (even violent?), and likely non productive.

This conversation has come from the sentence in the opening paragraph here on 22 September, "Universities will need to go beyond the preservation of problems only they can solve", where I seek to confront the idea of a University, and put it in opposition with its own understanding of itself. How might I seek to be more inclusive in the expression of this critique, and invite people (as opposed to 'Universities') to consider an alternative. Perhaps, "People working in Universities may need to reconsider the nature of the problems they work to solving" gets closer, but now I realise that "People working in Universities" still situates an "other" and even an exclusive right to considering the question. How about "we"? "We may need to reconsider the nature of the problems our Universities are set to solving" Leighblackall 02:22, 22 September 2010 (UTC)Reply

UC Deputy VC Instructions

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This is a document under development to serve as a submission to the DVC Education, for consideration as a vision document for UC generally. Leighblackall 06:06, 22 September 2010 (UTC)Reply


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The UC Office of Development has requested James and I to present Open Education and Research and the University of Canberra at the Annual Conference of Knowledge Commercialisation Australasia (KCA) on 10 November 2010. Leighblackall 06:12, 22 September 2010 (UTC)Reply


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Leigh Blackall and James Neill have been asked by the University of Canberra's Office of Development and Engagement to speak at the Knowledge Commercialisation Australasia Annual Conference 2010, 9-11 Nov 2010, on open academia. Leigh and James have been working together on awareness building and policy proposal around open education and research at UC during 2010 and want to try and make this talk serve multiple purposes, primarily a review and recommendations around why and how UC might go about implementing open education and research policy, procedures and practices. The content of this talk would therefore go something like this:

  • Open education and research
  • Principles as set out by James' presentation Open academia.
  • Evidence and cases for why
  • History in Australia and Internationally
  • Recommendations
  • Key policies and procedures
  • UC Business Unit Service Level Agreements
  • Reviewing rewards and incentives
  • Outcomes
  • How it fits with strategic directions
  • Where it will lead us beyond 2012
  • What UC will become
Next steps
  1. Take this structure into a dedicated page
  2. Write an abstract for discussion and submission before 15 July
  3. Draft the paper
  4. Find information for presenters
    1. How long (presentation)?
    2. How long (abstract)?
    3. Focus/scope?
    4. Style/format?

Alternative outline 2

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Open academia==
  • Summary...
  • Open education
  • Open research
  • Open engagement...
    • Open govand admin
UC's policy on intellectual property
  • Summary...
  • Ownership...
  • Creative Commons default...
  • Opting out, not in...
  • Benefits and risks
Education, engagement and research==
  • Open education practices can link more exactly the achievements of students moving from the College (and other education levels) into University of Canberra study..
  • Library services are critical to the success of open education and research practices. Their support in sourcing free and open resources, monitoring use of free and open resources, training, advice, and assistance with the development of digital and network literacy should be the foundation to UC's development...
  • The Research Office needs to build critical awareness of open academic practices, and inform ethics, IP, and other procedures to ensure the best support possible is available to staff who go as early adopters of open research practices...
  • Information and Communications Technology Systems will need to critically evaluate their service provision and consider their role in research and development of systems that support and promote open education and research services. Formats, open data, sharing and publishing, access and transferability of skills are a number of areas up for reconsideration...
  • The Teaching and Learning Centre will need to devote research and development resources to open education and research practices, and reconsider some services that perhaps bias or discourage such practices. Training and support services widening in scope, initiation and leading discussion and debate, hosting events and engaging wider community and stakeholders
  • Engagement Office plays significant role in the engagement of wider community and stakeholders, researching and advising other service areas, liaising with senior leadership and policy makers.
  • Ngunnawal Centre and teh Reconciliation Action Plan maust be in close consultation so as to ensure development of open practices does not compromise that high priority area of work.
  • Domestic and International Marketing have a key role in the production of open educational resources...
  • Governance and Administration will need to engage in the debate and discussions around open governance and developments of Gov2.0
  • English Language Institute may be interested in the development of multi lingual resource development, teaching and assessment services made possible through the use of Wikimedia Foundation platforms and communities...
  • UCSA - discussion with local student representatives on the more flexible education opportunities afforded by open education practices
  • NUS - discussion with national student representatives on the more flexible education opportunities afforded by open education practices
  • NTEU - discussion with national tertiary education union of the rights and freedoms of staff engaged in open education
  • QUT - consultation, advice and developmental partnerships with Australia's leadning open research institute
  • NLA - consultation, advice and developmental partnerships with Australian libraries, museums and archives
  • Internet Archive - storage and service of digital reosurces
  • Commercial and Non Commercial media sharing services - Youtube, iTunes, Wikimedia Foundation and other platforms that may have interest in servicing the development of our open education and research outputs

Un-re-learning other peoples' ideas

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A friend has done lots of work over the years in planning and doing "online learning", at uni and more lately college level. You folk perhaps should talk. Is that of interest?Peter Ellis 14:13, 17 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

  • Hi Peter, sorry we have missed your comment for so long. Community College's would seem to align with this proposal quite a bit hey. I don't know the ins and outs of funding to universities vs colleges in Australia, so safer to say our proposal shares many of the principles and intentions. Your friend is more than welcome to engage, especially if Canberra based. Leighblackall 06:17, 18 June 2011 (UTC)Reply