Talk:PlanetPhysics/Uc Locally Compact Quantum Groupoids

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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: uniform continuity over locally compact quantum groupoids
%%% Primary Category Code: 00.
%%% Filename: UcLocallyCompactQuantumGroupoids.tex
%%% Version: 5
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
%%% PlanetPhysics is released under the GNU Free Documentation License.
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 \subsection{Uniform Continuity over Locally Compact Quantum Groupoids}

Let us consider \emph{locally compact quantum groupoids} ($LCQGn$) defined as {\em \htmladdnormallink{locally compact groupoids}{} endowed with a \htmladdnormallink{Haar system}{}}, $\nu$, $(\G,\nu):= ([\grp, G_2, \mu], \nu)$, or as derived from a {\em (\htmladdnormallink{non-commutative}{}) \htmladdnormallink{weak Hopf algebra}{}} (WHA), with the additional condition of \emph{uniform continuity} over $\grp$ defined as follows . Let us also consider a space $LUC(\grp)$ of left uniformly continuous elements in $L^{\infty}(\grp)$ defined over $G_2$, which is endowed with the induced product topology from the subset $G^2$ of composable pairs in the \emph{\htmladdnormallink{topological groupoid}{}} $\grp$. This step completes the construction of uniform continuity over $LCQGn$ that can be then compared with the results obtained from `\htmladdnormallink{quantum groupoids}{}' derived from a weak Hopf algebra.

\subsubsection{C*-algebra Comparison and Example}

Consider $LCG$ to be a \htmladdnormallink{locally compact quantum group}{}. Then consider the space $LUC(G)$ of left uniformly continuous elements in $L^{\infty}(G)$ introduced in ref. \cite{VRunde2k8}. (The definition according to {\em V. Runde} (\em loc. cit.) covers both the space of left uniformly continuous \htmladdnormallink{functions}{} on a locally compact \htmladdnormallink{group}{} and (Granirer's) uniformly continuous functionals on the Fourier algebra.) Also consider $LUC(G)$ which is then an {\em \htmladdnormallink{operator}{} \htmladdnormallink{system}{} containing the \htmladdnormallink{C*-algebra}{} $C_o(G)$}. One may compare the \htmladdnormallink{groupoid C*-convolution algebra}{}, $G_{CA}$ -- obtained in the general case-- with the C*-algebra $C_o(G)$ obtained from $LUC(G)$ in the particular case of uniform continuity over a locally compact group.

M. Buneci. 2003. {\em Groupoid Representations}, Publs: Ed. Mirton, Timishoara.

V. Runde. 2008. Uniform continuity over locally compact quantum groups.
\htmladdnormallink{(math.OA -arxiv/0802.2053v4).}{}

