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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: topic on foundations of quantum algebraic topology
%%% Primary Category Code: 00.
%%% Filename: TopicOnFoundationsOfQuantumAlgebraicTopology.tex
%%% Version: 2
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
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%% Title: Quantum Algebraic Topology Foundations

%%I. C. Baianu, J. F. Glazebrook and R. Brown
%% format: LaTeX2e
%% Aquantiz25.tex
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 \section{topic on the Algebraic Foundations of Quantum Algebraic Topology}

This is a contributed topic on the \htmladdnormallink{algebraic}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/CoIntersections.html} foundations of \htmladdnormallink{Quantum Algebraic Topology}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/TriangulationMethodsForQuantizedSpacetimes2.html} (\htmladdnormallink{QAT}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/QuantumOperatorAlgebra5.html})

\textbf{(A.)} \emph{Quantum Algebraic Topology (QAT)} is defined as the mathematical and physical study of \htmladdnormallink{general theories}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/GeneralTheory.html} of quantum \htmladdnormallink{algebraic structures}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/TrivialGroupoid.html} from the standpoint of \htmladdnormallink{algebraic topology}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/CubicalHigherHomotopyGroupoid.html}, \htmladdnormallink{category theory}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/TrivialGroupoid.html} and their \htmladdnormallink{non-Abelian}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/AbelianCategory3.html} extensions in \htmladdnormallink{higher dimensional algebra}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/2Groupoid2.html} and \htmladdnormallink{supercategories}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/SuperCategory6.html} in \htmladdnormallink{relation}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/Bijective.html} to, or petinent to, \htmladdnormallink{quantum theories}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/SpaceTimeQuantizationInQuantumGravityTheories.html}, Quantum Field Theories,
\htmladdnormallink{general relativity}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/SR.html} and its Quantum extensions, \htmladdnormallink{quantum gravity}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/LQG2.html}.

\textbf{(B). Several suggested new QAT topics are:}


\item \htmladdnormallink{Poisson algebras}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/PoissonRing.html}, \htmladdnormallink{quantization methods}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/QuantizationMethods.html} and \htmladdnormallink{Hamiltonian algebroids}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/HamiltonianAlgebroid3.html}

\item \htmladdnormallink{K-S theorem}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/QAT2.html} and its Quantum algebraic consequences in QAT

\item Logic Lattice algebras or Many-Valued (MV) Logic algebras

\item Quantum MV-Logic algebras and $\L{}-M_n$-noncommutative algebras

\item \htmladdnormallink{quantum operator algebras}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/Groupoid.html} ( such as : involution, *-algebras, or $*$-algebras, \htmladdnormallink{von Neumann algebras}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/LocallyCompactQuantumGroup.html}, JB- and JL- algebras, $C^*$ - or C*- algebras, etc.

\item Quantum von Neumann algebra and subfactors

\item Kac-Moody and K-algebras

\item \htmladdnormallink{Hopf algebras}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/QuantumOperatorAlgebra5.html}, Quantum \htmladdnormallink{groups}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/TrivialGroupoid.html} and \htmladdnormallink{quantum group}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/QuantumGroup4.html} algebras

\item Quantum \htmladdnormallink{groupoids}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/QuantumOperatorAlgebra5.html} and weak Hopf $C^*$-algebras

\item \htmladdnormallink{groupoid C*-convolution algebras}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/GroupoidCConvolutionAlgebra.html} and *-Convolution \htmladdnormallink{algebroids}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/Algebroids.html}
\item \htmladdnormallink{quantum spacetimes}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/NonAbelianQuantumAlgebraicTopology3.html} and Quantum Fundamental Groupoids

\item Quantum Double Algebras

\item Quantum Gravity, \htmladdnormallink{supersymmetries}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/Supersymmetry.html}, \htmladdnormallink{supergravity}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/AntiCommutationRelations.html}, \htmladdnormallink{superalgebras}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/NewtonianMechanics.html} and graded `\htmladdnormallink{Lie' algebras}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/BilinearMap.html}
\item Quantum \htmladdnormallink{categorical algebra}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/CategoryOfLogicAlgebras.html} and Higher Dimensional, $\L{}-M_n$- Toposes

\item Quantum \htmladdnormallink{R-categories}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/RCategory.html}, \htmladdnormallink{R-supercategories}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/RDiagram.html} and Symmetry Breaking

\item \htmladdnormallink{extended quantum symmetries}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/ExtendedQuantumSymmetries.html} in Higher Dimensional Algebras (\htmladdnormallink{HDA}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/2Groupoid2.html}), such as: \\
algebroids, \htmladdnormallink{double algebroids}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/GeneralizedSuperalgebras.html}, categorical algebroids, \htmladdnormallink{double groupoids}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/WeakHomotopy.html}, \\
\htmladdnormallink{convolution}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/AssociatedGroupoidAlgebraRepresentations.html} algebroids, groupoid $C^*$ -convolution algebroids

\item Universal algebras in R-Supercategories

\item Supercategorical algebras (SA) as concrete interpretations of the Theory of Elementary Abstract Supercategories (\htmladdnormallink{ETAS}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/ETACAxioms.html}).

\item Quantum \htmladdnormallink{non-Abelian algebraic topology}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/ModuleAlgebraic.html} (QNAAT)

\item \htmladdnormallink{noncommutative geometry}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/NoncommutativeGeometry4.html}, \htmladdnormallink{quantum geometry}{http://planetphysics.us/encyclopedia/NAQAT2.html}, and Non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Geometry

\item Other -- Miscellaneous \textbf{[please add here your additions, changes, editing,
remarks, proofs, conjectures, and so on...]}


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