Talk:PlanetPhysics/Table of Fourier and Generalized Transforms

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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: table of  Fourier and generalized transforms
%%% Primary Category Code: 00.
%%% Filename: TableOfFourierAndGeneralizedTransforms.tex
%%% Version: 22
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
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 \subsection{Table of Fourier and generalized Fourier transforms}
\htmladdnormallink{Fourier transforms}{} are being very widely employed in physical, chemical and engineering applications for harmonic analysis, as well as for: processing acquired data such as spectroscopic, image processing (as for example in Astrophysics, elctron microscopy, optics), structure determination (e.g., \htmladdnormallink{X-ray}{}, \htmladdnormallink{neutron}{}, electron diffraction), chemical \htmladdnormallink{Hyperspectral Imaging}{} (FT-NIR, FT-IR), and so on. Theoretical studies in \htmladdnormallink{quantum mechanics}{} ({\em QM}), \htmladdnormallink{QCD}{}, \htmladdnormallink{QG}{}, \htmladdnormallink{AQFT}{}, \htmladdnormallink{quantum theories}{} on a lattice ({\em QTL}) also employ Fourier transforms.

\textbf{Fourier-Stieltjes} transforms and \textbf{measured \htmladdnormallink{groupoid}{}} transforms are useful generalizations of the (much simpler) Fourier transform, as concisely shown in the following table.

\subsubsection*{Fourier Transforms and  Generalized FTs}
$f(t)$ & $\F{f(t)} = \hat{f}(x)$ & Conditions* & Explanation & Description \\
Gaussian \htmladdnormallink{function}{} & Gaussian function & general & In statistics,& and also in spectroscopy \\
\htmladdnormallink{Lorentzian}{} function & Lorentzian function & general & In spectroscopy & experimentally truncated to the single exponential function with a negative exponent \\
step function & $sin(x)/x$ & general & FT of a \htmladdnormallink{square}{} \htmladdnormallink{wave}{} & `slit' function \\
sawtooth function & $sin^2(x)/x^2$ & general& a triangle & zero baseline \\
series of equidistant points ....& (inf.) \htmladdnormallink{group}{} of equidistant planes & general & lattice of infinite planes & used in diffraction theory\\
lattice of infinite planes, (or 1D paracrystal) & series of equidistant points .... & general & one-dimensional reciprocal space & used in crystallography/diffraction theory\\
Helix wrapped on a cylinder & \htmladdnormallink{Bessel functions/}{} series& general & In Physical Crystallography & experimentally truncated to the first (finite)
n-th order Bessel functions\\
$c$ & $(\sqrt{2 \pi})^{-1}c$ & Notice on the next line the overline bar placed above $t(x)$ & general & Integration constant\\
$f(t)$ & $\int \hat{f}(x) \overline{t(x)}dx$ & $f(t)\in{L^1(G_l)}$, with $G_l$ a & \htmladdnormallink{Fourier-Stieltjes transform}{} & $\hat{f}(x)\in{C_0(\hat{G_l})}$ \\
& & \htmladdnormallink{locally compact groupoid}{} \cite{RW97}; & & \\
& & $\int $ is defined \emph{via} & & \\
& & a left \htmladdnormallink{Haar measure}{} on $G_l$ & & \\
$\hat{m}(x)$ & $\check{m}(t)= \int e^{itx}d\hat{m}(x)$ & as above & Inverse Fourier-Stieltjes & $\check{m}(t) \in{L^1(G_l)}$, \\
& & & transform & (\cite{PALT2k1}, \cite{PALT2k3}). \\
$\hat{m}(x)$ & $\check{m}(t) = \int e^{itx}d\hat{m}(x)$ & When $G_l=\mathbb{R}$, and it exists & This is the usual & $\check{m}(t) \in{\mathbb{R}}$ \\
& & only when $\hat{m}(x)$ is & Inverse Fourier transform & \\
& & \emph{Lebesgue integrable} on & & \\
& & the entire real axis & & \\

*Note the `slash hat' on $\hat{f}(x)$ and $\hat{G_l}$.

A. Ramsay and M. E. Walter, Fourier-Stieltjes algebras of locally compact groupoids,
\emph{J. Functional Anal}. \textbf{148}: 314-367 (1997).

A. L. T. Paterson, The Fourier algebra for locally compact groupoids., Preprint, (2001).

A. L. T. Paterson, The Fourier-Stieltjes and Fourier algebras for locally
compact groupoids., (2003) \htmladdnormallink{Free PDF file download}{}.

