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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: quantum operator algebras
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%%% Owner: bci1
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 \section{Quantum operator algebras(QOA)} in \htmladdnormallink{quantum field theories}{} are
defined as the algebras of \htmladdnormallink{observable}{} \htmladdnormallink{operators}{}, and as such, they are also related to the von Neumann algebra; \htmladdnormallink{quantum operators}{} are usually defined on \htmladdnormallink{Hilbert spaces}{}, or in some \htmladdnormallink{QFTs}{} on \htmladdnormallink{Hilbert space bundles}{} or other similar families of spaces.

{\em Note:}
\htmladdnormallink{representations}{} of Banach *-algebras, that are also defined on Hilbert spaces, are related to $C^*$-algebra representations which provide a useful approach to defining \htmladdnormallink{quantum space-times}{}.

\textbf{Quantum Operator Algebras in Quantum Field Theories: \htmladdnormallink{QOAs}{} in QFTs}
\emph{Examples} of quantum operators are: the \htmladdnormallink{Hamiltonian operator}{} (or \htmladdnormallink{Schr\"odinger operator}{}), the \htmladdnormallink{position}{} and \htmladdnormallink{momentum}{} operators, Casimir operators, Unitary operators, \htmladdnormallink{spin}{} operators, and so on. The observable operators are also {\em self-adjoint}. More general operators were recently defined, such as Progogine's superoperators. Another development in \htmladdnormallink{quantum theories}{} is the introduction of Frech\'et nuclear spaces or `\htmladdnormallink{rigged' Hilbert spaces}{} (Hilbert {\em bundles}). The following \htmladdnormallink{sections}{} define several \htmladdnormallink{types}{} of quantum operator algebras that provide the foundation of modern quantum field theories in \htmladdnormallink{mathematical physics}{}.

\subsection{Quantum Groups, Quantum Operator Algebras and Related Symmetries.}

Quantum theories adopted a new lease of life post 1955 when von
Neumann beautifully re-formulated \htmladdnormallink{quantum mechanics}{} (\htmladdnormallink{QM}{}) and Quantum theories (QT)
in the mathematically rigorous context of Hilbert spaces and operator
algebras defined over such spaces. From a current physics perspective,
von Neumann' s approach to quantum mechanics has however done much more: it has
not only paved the way to expanding the role of symmetry in
physics, as for example with the Wigner-Eckhart \htmladdnormallink{theorem}{} and its
applications, but also revealed the fundamental importance in
Quantum physics of the \htmladdnormallink{state space}{} geometry of \htmladdnormallink{quantum operator}{} algebras- Mathematical definitions

{\em Definitions:}

\item {\em Von Neumann Algebra}

\item {\em Hopf Algebra}

\item {\em Groupoids}

\item {\em Haar \htmladdnormallink{systems}{} associated to Measured Groupoids or Locally Compact Groupoids.}

\subsection{Von Neumann Algebra}

Let $\H$ denote a complex (separable) Hilbert space. A \emph{von
Neumann algebra} $\A$ acting on $\H$ is a subset of the algebra of
all bounded operators $\cL(\H)$ such that:


\item (i) $\A$ is closed under the adjoint \htmladdnormallink{operation}{} (with the
adjoint of an element $T$ denoted by $T^*$).

\item (ii) $\A$ equals its \htmladdnormallink{bicommutant}{}, namely:

\A= \{A \in \cL(\H) : \forall B \in \cL(\H), \forall C\in \A,~
(BC=CB)\Rightarrow (AB=BA)\}~.

If one calls a \emph{\htmladdnormallink{commutant}{}} of a set $\A$ the special set of
bounded operators on $\cL(\H)$ which \htmladdnormallink{commute}{} with all elements in
$\A$, then this second condition implies that the commutant of the
commutant of $\A$ is again the set $\A$.

On the other hand, a von Neumann algebra $\A$ inherits a
\emph{unital} subalgebra from $\cL(\H)$, and according to the
first condition in its definition $\A$ does indeed inherit a
\emph{*-subalgebra} structure, as further explained in the next
section on \htmladdnormallink{C*-algebras}{}. Furthermore, we have notable
\emph{Bicommutant Theorem} which states that $\A$ \emph{is a von
Neumann algebra if and only if $\A$ is a *-subalgebra of
$\cL(\H)$, closed for the smallest topology defined by continuous
maps $(\xi,\eta)\longmapsto (A\xi,\eta)$ for all $<A\xi,\eta)>$
where $<.,.>$ denotes the \htmladdnormallink{inner product}{} defined on $\H$}~. For a well-presented
treatment of the geometry of the state spaces of quantum operator algebras, see e.g. Aflsen and Schultz (2003).

\subsubsection{Hopf algebra}
First, a unital associative algebra consists of a linear space
$A$ together with two linear maps

\begin{aligned} m &: A \otimes A \lra A~,~(multiplication) \\
\eta &: \bC \lra A~,~ (unity)
satisfying the conditions
m(m \otimes \mathbf 1) &= m (\mathbf 1 \otimes m) \\ m(\mathbf 1
\otimes \eta) &= m (\eta \otimes \mathbf 1) = \ID~.
This first condition can be seen in terms of a commuting \htmladdnormallink{diagram}{}~:
A \otimes A \otimes A @> m \otimes \ID>> A \otimes A
\\ @V \ID \otimes mVV @VV m V
\\ A \otimes A @ > m >> A
Next suppose we consider `reversing the arrows', and take an
algebra $A$ equipped with a linear homorphisms $\Delta : A \lra A
\otimes A$, satisfying, for $a,b \in A$ :

\begin{aligned} \Delta(ab) &= \Delta(a) \Delta(b)
\\ (\Delta \otimes \ID) \Delta &= (\ID \otimes \Delta) \Delta~.

We call $\Delta$ a \emph{comultiplication}, which is said to be
\emph{coasociative} in so far that the following diagram commutes
A \otimes A \otimes A @< \Delta\otimes \ID<< A \otimes A
\\ @A \ID \otimes \Delta AA @AA \Delta A
\\ A \otimes A @ < \Delta << A

There is also a counterpart to $\eta$, the \emph{counity} map
$\vep : A \lra \bC$ satisfying
(\ID \otimes \vep) \circ \Delta = (\vep \otimes \ID) \circ \Delta
= \ID~.
A \emph{\htmladdnormallink{bialgebra}{}} $(A, m, \Delta, \eta,
\vep)$ is a linear space $A$ with maps $m, \Delta, \eta, \vep$
satisfying the above properties.

Now to recover anything resembling a \htmladdnormallink{group}{} structure, we must
append such a bialgebra with an \htmladdnormallink{antihomomorphism}{} $S : A \lra A$,
satisfying $S(ab) = S(b) S(a)$, for $a,b \in A$~. This map is
defined implicitly via the property~:
\begin{equation} m(S \otimes
\ID) \circ \Delta = m(\ID \otimes S) \circ \Delta = \eta \circ
We call $S$ the \emph{antipode map}. A \emph{Hopf algebra} is then
a bialgebra $(A,m, \eta, \Delta, \vep)$ equipped with an antipode
map $S$~.

Commutative and \htmladdnormallink{noncommutative}{} Hopf algebras form the backbone of
\htmladdnormallink{quantum `groups}{}' and are essential to the generalizations of
symmetry. Indeed, in most respects a quantum `group' is identifiable
with a Hopf algebra. When such algebras are actually
associated with proper groups of \htmladdnormallink{matrices}{} there is
considerable scope for their representations on both finite
and infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces.


Recall that a \emph{groupoid} $\grp$ is, loosely speaking, a \htmladdnormallink{small category}{} with inverses over its set of \htmladdnormallink{objects}{} $X = Ob(\grp)$~. One
often writes $\grp^y_x$ for the set of \htmladdnormallink{morphisms}{} in $\grp$ from
$x$ to $y$~. \emph{A \htmladdnormallink{topological groupoid}{}} consists of a space
$\grp$, a distinguished subspace $\grp^{(0)} = \obg \subset \grp$,
called {\it the space of objects} of $\grp$, together with maps
r,s~:~ \xymatrix{ \grp \ar@<1ex>[r]^r \ar[r]_s & \grp^{(0)} }
called the {\it range} and {\it \htmladdnormallink{source maps}{}} respectively,
together with a law of \htmladdnormallink{composition}{} \begin{equation}
\circ~:~ \grp^{(2)}: = \grp \times_{\grp^{(0)}} \grp = \{
~(\gamma_1, \gamma_2) \in \grp \times \grp ~:~ s(\gamma_1) =
r(\gamma_2)~ \}~ \lra ~\grp~,
such that the following hold~:~
$s(\gamma_1 \circ \gamma_2) = r(\gamma_2)~,~ r(\gamma_1 \circ
\gamma_2) = r(\gamma_1)$~, for all $(\gamma_1, \gamma_2) \in

$s(x) = r(x) = x$~, for all $x \in \grp^{(0)}$~.

$\gamma \circ s(\gamma) = \gamma~,~ r(\gamma) \circ \gamma =
\gamma$~, for all $\gamma \in \grp$~.

$(\gamma_1 \circ \gamma_2) \circ \gamma_3 = \gamma_1 \circ
(\gamma_2 \circ \gamma_3)$~.

Each $\gamma$ has a two--sided inverse $\gamma^{-1}$ with $\gamma
\gamma^{-1} = r(\gamma)~,~ \gamma^{-1} \gamma = s (\gamma)$~.
Furthermore, only for topological groupoids the inverse map needs be continuous.
It is usual to call $\grp^{(0)} = Ob(\grp)$ {\it the set of objects}
of $\grp$~. For $u \in Ob(\grp)$, the set of arrows $u \lra u$ forms a
group $\grp_u$, called the \emph{isotropy group of $\grp$ at $u$}.
Thus, as is well kown, a topological groupoid is just a groupoid internal to the \htmladdnormallink{category}{} of \htmladdnormallink{topological}{} spaces and continuous maps. The notion of internal groupoid has proved significant in a number of \htmladdnormallink{fields}{}, since groupoids generalise bundles of groups, group actions, and \htmladdnormallink{equivalence relations}{}. For a further study of groupoids we refer the reader to Brown (2006).

Several examples of groupoids are:
(a) locally compact groups, transformation groups , and any group in general (e.g. [59]
(b) equivalence relations
(c) tangent bundles
(d) the \htmladdnormallink{tangent groupoid}{} (e.g. [4])
(e) holonomy groupoids for foliations (e.g. [4])
(f) Poisson groupoids (e.g. [81])
(g) \htmladdnormallink{graph}{} groupoids (e.g. [47, 64]).

As a simple, helpful example of a groupoid, consider (b) above. Thus, let \textit{R} be an \textit{equivalence \htmladdnormallink{relation}}{} on a set X. Then \textit{R} is a groupoid under the following operations:
$(x, y)(y, z) = (x, z), (x, y)^{-1} = (y, x)$. Here, $\grp^0 = X $, (the diagonal of $X \times X$ ) and $r((x, y)) = x, s((x, y)) = y$.
So $ R^2$ = $\left\{((x, y), (y, z)) : (x, y), (y, z) \in R \right\} $.
When $R = X \times X $, \textit{R} is called a \textit{trivial} groupoid. A special case of a \htmladdnormallink{trivial groupoid}{} is
$R = R_n = \left\{ 1, 2, . . . , n \right\}$ $\times $ $\left\{ 1, 2, . . . , n \right\} $. (So every \textit{i} is equivalent to every \textit{j}). Identify $(i,j) \in R_n$ with the matrix unit $e_{ij}$. Then the groupoid $R_n$ is just \htmladdnormallink{matrix multiplication}{} except that we only multiply $e_{ij}, e_{kl}$ when $k = j$, and $(e_{ij} )^{-1} = e_{ji}$. We do not really lose anything by restricting the multiplication, since the pairs $e_{ij}, {e_{kl}}$ excluded from groupoid multiplication just give the 0 product in normal algebra anyway.
For a groupoid $\grp_{lc}$ to be a \htmladdnormallink{locally compact groupoid}{} means that $\grp_{lc}$ is required to be a (second countable) \htmladdnormallink{locally compact Hausdorff space}{}, and the product and also inversion maps are required to be continuous. Each $\grp_{lc}^u$ as well as the unit space $\grp_{lc}^0$ is closed in $\grp_{lc}$. What replaces the left \htmladdnormallink{Haar measure}{} on $\grp_{lc}$ is a system of measures $\lambda^u$ ($u \in \grp_{lc}^0$), where $\lambda^u$ is a positive \htmladdnormallink{regular}{} Borel measure on $\grp_{lc}^u$ with dense support. In addition, the $\lambda^u$ \^a~@~Ys are required to vary continuously (when integrated against $f \in C_c(\grp_{lc}))$ and to form an invariant family in the sense that for each x, the map $y \mapsto xy$ is a measure preserving \htmladdnormallink{homeomorphism}{} from $\grp_{lc}^s(x)$ onto $\grp_{lc}^r(x)$. Such a system
$\left\{ \lambda^u \right\}$ is called a \textit{left Haar system} for the locally compact groupoid $\grp_{lc}$.

This is defined more precisely next.

\subsubsection{Haar systems for locally compact topological groupoids}

\xymatrix{ \grp \ar@<1ex>[r]^r \ar[r]_s & \grp^{(0)}}=X
be a locally compact, locally trivial topological groupoid with
its transposition into transitive (connected) components. Recall
that for $x \in X$, the \emph{costar of $x$} denoted
$\rm{CO}^*(x)$ is defined as the closed set $\bigcup\{ \grp(y,x) :
y \in \grp \}$, whereby
\grp(x_0, y_0) \hookrightarrow \rm{CO}^*(x) \lra X~,
is a principal $\grp(x_0, y_0)$--bundle relative to
fixed base points $(x_0, y_0)$~. Assuming all relevant sets are
locally compact, then following Seda (1976), a \emph{(left) Haar
system on $\grp$} denoted $(\grp, \tau)$ (for later purposes), is
defined to comprise of i) a measure $\kappa$ on $\grp$, ii) a
measure $\mu$ on $X$ and iii) a measure $\mu_x$ on $\rm{CO}^*(x)$
such that for every Baire set $E$ of $\grp$, the following hold on
setting $E_x = E \cap \rm{CO}^*(x)$~:
\item[(1)] $x \mapsto \mu_x(E_x)$ is measurable.

$\kappa(E) = \int_x \mu_x(E_x)~d\mu_x$ ~.

$\mu_z(t E_x) = \mu_x(E_x)$, for all $t \in \grp(x,z)$ and $x, z
\in \grp$~.

The presence of a left Haar system on $\grp_{lc}$ has important
topological implications: it requires that the range map $r :
\grp_{lc} \rightarrow \grp_{lc}^0$ is open. For such a $\grp_{lc}$
with a left Haar system, the \htmladdnormallink{vector space}{} $C_c(\grp_{lc})$ is a
\textit{convolution} \textit{*--algebra}, where for $f, g \in
C_c(\grp_{lc})$: \\
$f * g(x) = \int f(t)g(t^{-1} x) d \lambda^{r(x)} (t)$, with
f*(x) $ = \overline{f(x^{-1})}$.
One has $C^*(\grp_{lc})$ to be the \textit{enveloping C*--algebra}
of $C_c(\grp_{lc})$ (and also representations are required to be
continuous in the inductive limit topology). Equivalently, it is
the completion of $\pi_{univ}(C_c(\grp_{lc}))$ where $\pi_{univ}$
is the \textit{universal representation} of $\grp_{lc}$. For
example, if $ \grp_{lc} = R_n$ , then $C^*(\grp_{lc})$ is just the
finite dimensional algebra $C_c(\grp_{lc}) = M_n$, the span of the

There exists (e.g.[63, p.91]) a \textit{measurable \htmladdnormallink{Hilbert bundle}}{} $(\grp_{lc}^0, \H, \mu)$ with $\H = \left\{ \H^u_{u \in
\grp_{lc}^0} \right\}$ and a G-representation L on $\H$. Then,
for every pair $\xi, \eta$ of \htmladdnormallink{square}{} integrable sections of $\H$,
it is required that the \htmladdnormallink{function}{} $x \mapsto (L(x)\xi (s(x)), \eta
(r(x)))$ be $\nu$--measurable. The representation $\Phi$ of
$C_c(\grp_{lc})$ is then given by:\\ $\left\langle \Phi(f) \xi
\vert,\eta \right\rangle = \int f(x)(L(x) \xi (s(x)), \eta (r(x)))
d \nu_0(x)$.

The triple $(\mu, \H, L)$ is called a \textit{measurable
$\grp_{lc}$--Hilbert bundle}.


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