Talk:PlanetPhysics/John H Van Vleck

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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: John H van Vleck
%%% Primary Category Code: 02.
%%% Filename: JohnHVanVleck.tex
%%% Version: 2
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
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 \section{John H van Vleck}
American theoretical physicist, born in 1899, deceased in 1980.
one of his outstanding contributions is the explicit calculation of dipolar interactions in \htmladdnormallink{solids}{}, including moment \htmladdnormallink{computations}{}, in a 50-page+ paper in 1939.

{\em Autobiography source:}
The following autobiography excerpt is: ''{\em from the Nobel Lectures, Physics 1971-1980, and was first published in the book series Les Prix Nobel. It was later edited and republished in Nobel Lectures:}''

\subsection{Degrees, Positions, Awards,...}

A.B. University of Wisconsin, 1920

Ph. D., Harvard University, 1922 (instructor 1922-3)

Honorary D. Sc. or D. Honoris Causa: Wesleyan U., 1936; U. Wisconsin, 1947;
Grenoble U., 1950; U. Maryland, 1955; Oxford U., 1958; U. Paris, 1960;
Rockford College, 1961; U. Nancy, 1961; Harvard U., 1966; U. Chicago, 1968;
U. Minnesota 1971.

On faculty: University of Minnesota, 1923-28; University of Wisconsin 1928-34
Harvard University 1934--69, emeritus 1969 -- (Dean of Engineering and \htmladdnormallink{applied physics}{} 1951--57).

Lorentz (visiting) professor, Leiden, 1960; Eastman Professor, Oxford,
1961--62; Guggenheim Fellow, 1930.

Foreign member, Royal Swedish Academy, Uppsala Academy, Netherlands Academy,
Academie des Sciences, Royal Society of London.
National Medal of Science, USA; Lorentz Medal (Netherlands);
Cresson Medal ( Franklin Institute);
Michelson Prize of Case Institute of Technology; Langmuir Award in Chemical
Physics; General Electric Foundation; Chevalier, Legion of Honor.

Member, National Academy of Sciences, American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
American Philosophical Society, International Academy of Quantum Molecular
Science; Honorary Member, French Physical Society;
President, American Physical Society, 1952.
