Talk:PlanetPhysics/High Energy Physics

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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: High energy physics
%%% Primary Category Code: 02.
%%% Filename: HighEnergyPhysics.tex
%%% Version: 4
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
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 This is a contributed topic on {\em high energy physics}.

\subsection{High energy physics and Particle accelerators}
Because high \htmladdnormallink{energies}{} are usually obtained by researchers in large \htmladdnormallink{particle accelerators}{} this important, expensive and intensive branch of physics is often called {\em particle physics}. Some high energy $\gamma$ \htmladdnormallink{particles}{} whose origin is in outer space are however also detected at high altitudes on Earth or by detectors mounted on satellites.

\subsection{The Standard Model (SUSY)}
The current model employed by branches of physics other than Gravitation
is summarized by `The Standard Model' which can be described as the current \htmladdnormallink{classification}{} of particles based only on strong, electromagnetic and electroweak interactions, mediated by \htmladdnormallink{field}{} particles called {\em gauge bosons}.

\subsection{Gauge bosons}
The gauge bosons corresponding to the above three \htmladdnormallink{types}{} of interactions are:

\item \htmladdnormallink{gluons}{} for the \htmladdnormallink{strong interactions}{} \item photons for electromagnetic interactions
\item $W^-$ and $W^+$ and \htmladdnormallink{Z bosons}{} for the electroweak interactions.

\subsection{Major facilities for high energy physics}

\subsubsection{In the USA:}
\item Brookhaven National Laboratory, located on Long Island; this is a Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider that collides heavy ions such as gold ions with polarized protons.
\item The ``Tevatron'' at Fermilab, located near Chicago, USA; this is a proton--antiproton collider, at present the second highest energy particle collider in the world.
\item \htmladdnormallink{SLAC}{}, located near Berkeley and Palo Alto, USA, an electron--positron
collider and storage ring.

\subsubsection{In the European Union:}
\item CERN, located on the French-Swiss border near Geneva, currently operating
the world's higherst energy particle acccelerator--the \htmladdnormallink{large hadron collider}{} (\htmladdnormallink{LHC}{})
\item \htmladdnormallink{SPS}{} at CERN--the ``Super Proton Synchrotron''-precursor of LHC
\item DESY, located in Hamburg, Germany, with the high energy HERA electron (or positron)-- proton collider.
\item ISIS-- the brightest \htmladdnormallink{neutron}{} spallation source at the Harwell reactor, near Oxford, in U.K.

\subsubsection{In Japan:}
KEK, located in Tsukuba, Japan, is the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization of Japan.

\subsubsection{In Russia:}
Budker Institute of \htmladdnormallink{nuclear physics}{} at Novosibirsk.
