Talk:PlanetPhysics/Hamiltonian Operator 3

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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: Hamiltonian operator
%%% Primary Category Code: 00.
%%% Filename: HamiltonianOperator3.tex
%%% Version: 1
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
%%% PlanetPhysics is released under the GNU Free Documentation License.
%%% You should have received a file called fdl.txt along with this file.        
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% define commands here

% only one theoremstyle 
% math operators
\DeclareMathOperator{\pipe}{{\big |} \hspace{-2.85pt} {\big |}} 
% misc math stuff
\newcommand{\esssup}{\mathrm{ess\ sup}}

% foreignisms
\newcommand{\ala}{\emph{\'a la}}
% labels for spaces
% differential operators
\newcommand{\pd}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}
\newcommand{\pkd}[3]{\frac{\partial^{#3} #1}{\partial #2^{#3}}}
\newcommand{\dkd}[3]{\frac{d^{#3} #1}{d#2^{#3}}}
\newcommand{\td}[2]{\frac{d #1}{d #2}}
\newcommand{\pdat}[3]{\left . \frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}\right|_{#3}}
\newcommand{\dbyd}[1]{ \frac{d}{d #1}}

% Fri Oct 3 11:00:53 2003 -- should check at some point to see whether the replaced versions are actually used at all, I don't think so
\newcommand{\ddk}[3]{\frac{d^{#3} #1}{d#2^{#3}}}
% replaces...
\newcommand{\dbydk}[2]{ \frac{d^{#2}}{d #1^{#2}}}

\newcommand{\ppk}[3]{\frac{\partial^{#3} #1}{\partial #2^{#3}}}
% replaces...
\newcommand{\pbypk}[2]{ \frac{\partial^{#2}}{\partial #1^{#2}}}

\newcommand{\pp}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}
% replaces...
\newcommand{\pbyp}[1]{ \frac{\partial}{\partial #1}}

\newcommand{\ddat}[3]{\left .\frac{d #1}{d #2}\right|_{#3}}
% replaces...
\newcommand{\dbydat}[2]{\left . \frac{d}{d #1} \right|_{#2}}

\newcommand{\ppkat}[4]{\left .\frac{\partial^{#3} #1}{\partial #2^{#3}}\right|_{#4}}

\newcommand{\ddkat}[4]{\left .\frac{d^{#3} #1}{d#2^{#3}}\right|_{#4}}

% counters for new lists

% a,b,c - small latin letter list
\indent \begin{list}{(\alph{alistctr})}{\usecounter{alistctr}}}
\indent \begin{list}{(\Alph{Alistctr})}{\usecounter{Alistctr}}
% i,ii,iii - small roman numeral list
\indent \begin{list}{(\roman{rlistctr})}{\usecounter{rlistctr}}
% I,II,III - large roman numeral list
\indent \begin{list}{(\Roman{Rlistctr})}{\usecounter{Rlistctr}}
%1,2,3 - arabic numeral list
\indent \begin{list}{(\arabic{123listctr})}{\usecounter{123listctr}}

%1:,2:,3: - arabic numeral list with colon decoration
\newenvironment{123listcolonstyle}{\indent \begin{list}{\arabic{123listcolonstylectr}:}{\usecounter{123listcolonstylectr}}}

% environment for definitions
\def\defn#1{\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{$\ast$} {\footnotesize \noindent \begin{123listcolonstyle} \setlength{\itemsep}{0em} \setlength{\topsep}{0em} \setlength{\parsep}{0em} #1 \end{123listcolonstyle}}}

%environment for proofs
\def\proof#1{\par {\footnotesize \indent \begin{tabular}{ll} #1 \end{tabular}}}


 \textbf{Definition 0.1}
The {Hamiltonian operator} \textbf{H} introduced in \htmladdnormallink{quantum mechanics}{} (\htmladdnormallink{QM}{}) by Schr\"odinger (and thus sometimes also called the \emph{\htmladdnormallink{Schr\"odinger operator}{}}) on the \htmladdnormallink{Hilbert space}{} $L^2(\Rset^n)$ is given by the action:
\psi \mapsto [-\nabla^2 +V(x)]\psi, \quad\psi\in L^2(\Rset^n),

The \htmladdnormallink{operator}{} defined above $[-\nabla^2 +V(x)]$ , for a potential \htmladdnormallink{function}{} $V(x)$ specified as the real-valued function $V\colon \Rset^n \to \Rset$ is called the {\em Hamiltonian operator}, \textbf{H}, and only very rarely the {\em Schr\"odinger operator}.

\subsection{Schr\"odinger formulation of QM}
The \htmladdnormallink{energy}{} conservation (quantum) law written with the operator \textbf{H} as the
Schr\"odinger equation is fundamental in quantum mechanics and is perhaps the most utilized, mathematical \htmladdnormallink{computation}{} device in quantum mechanics of \htmladdnormallink{systems}{} with a finite number of degrees of freedom. There is also, however, the alternative approach in the Heisenberg picture, or formulation, in which the \htmladdnormallink{observable}{} and other \htmladdnormallink{operators}{} are time-dependent whereas the state vectors $\psi$ are time-independent, which reverses the time dependences betwen operators and state vectors from the more popular Schr\"odinger formulation. Other formulations of \htmladdnormallink{quantum theories}{} occur in
quantum field theories (\htmladdnormallink{QFT}{}), such as \htmladdnormallink{QED}{} (\htmladdnormallink{quantum electrodynamics}{}) and \htmladdnormallink{QCD}{} (quantum chromodynamics).

\subsection{Heisenberg formulation of QM}

Although the two formulations, or pictures, are unitarily (or mathematically) equivalent, however, sometimes the claim is made that the Heisenberg picture is ``more natural and fundamental than the Schr\"odinger'' formulation because the Lorentz invariance from \htmladdnormallink{general relativity}{} is also encountered in the Heisenberg picture,
and also because there is a `correspondence' between the \htmladdnormallink{commutator}{} of an observable operator with the Hamiltonian operator, and the Poisson bracket formulation of \htmladdnormallink{classical mechanics}{}. If the state vector $\psi$, or
$\left| \psi \right\rangle$ does not change with time as in the Heisenberg picture, then the `equation of \htmladdnormallink{motion}{}' of a (quantum) observable operator is :

\frac{d}{dt} A_{quantum} = (i\hbar)^{-1}[A,H] + \left(\frac {\partial A}{\partial t}\right)_{classical}
