Talk:PlanetPhysics/Groupoid Representations Induced by Measure

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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: groupoid representations induced by measure
%%% Primary Category Code: 02.
%%% Filename: GroupoidRepresentationsInducedByMeasure.tex
%%% Version: 6
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
%%% PlanetPhysics is released under the GNU Free Documentation License.
%%% You should have received a file called fdl.txt along with this file.        
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A \emph{groupoid representation induced by measure} can be defined as measure induced \htmladdnormallink{operators}{} or as operators induced by a measure preserving map in the context of \htmladdnormallink{Haar systems}{} with measure associated with \htmladdnormallink{locally compact groupoids}{}, $\mathbf{G_{lc}}$. Thus, let us consider a locally compact groupoid
$\mathbf{G_{lc}}$ endowed with an associated Haar system
$\nu = \left\{\nu^u, u \in U_{\mathbf{G_{lc}}} \right\}$, and $\mu$
a quasi-invariant measure on $U_{\mathbf{G_{lc}}}$.
Moreover, let $(X_1, \mathfrak{B}_1, \mu_1)$ and $(X_2, \mathfrak{B}_2, \mu_2)$ be \htmladdnormallink{measure spaces}{} and denote by $L^0(X_1)$ and $L^0(X_2)$ the corresponding spaces of \htmladdnormallink{measurable functions}{} (with values in $\mathbb{C}$). Let us also recall that with a measure-preserving transformation $T: X_1 \longrightarrow X_2$ one can define an \emph{operator induced by a measure preserving map}, $U_T:L^0(X_2) \longrightarrow L^0(X_1)$ as follows.

(U_T f)(x):=f(Tx)\,, \qquad\qquad f \in L^0(X_2),\; x \in X_1

Next, let us define $\nu = \int \nu^u d\mu (u)$ and also define $\nu^{-1}$ as the mapping
$x \mapsto x^{-1}$. With $f \in C_c(\mathbf{G_{lc}})$, one can now define the
\emph{measure induced \htmladdnormallink{operator}{}} $\textbf{Ind}\mu (f) $ as an operator being defined on $L^2(\nu^{-1})$
by the \htmladdnormallink{formula}{}:
$$\textbf{Ind}\mu (f)\xi(x)= \int f(y) \xi(y^{-1}x)d\nu^{r(x)}(y) = f * \xi(x) $$


One can readily verify that :

$$\left\| \textbf{Ind}\mu(f) \right\| \leq \left\| f \right\|_1 $$,

and also that $\textbf{Ind}\mu$ is a proper \htmladdnormallink{representation}{} of $C_c(\mathbf{G_{lc}})$, in the sense that the latter is usually defined for \htmladdnormallink{groupoids}{}.
