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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: groupoid C*-convolution algebra
%%% Primary Category Code: 03.
%%% Filename: GroupoidCConvolutionAlgebra.tex
%%% Version: 1
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
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 \subsubsection{Background and Data for the Definition of a Groupoid $C^*$--Convolution Algebra}

Jean Renault introduced in ref. \cite{JR80} the \emph{$C^*$--algebra of a \htmladdnormallink{locally compact groupoid}{} $\grp$} as follows: the space of continuous \htmladdnormallink{functions}{} with compact support on a \htmladdnormallink{groupoid}{} $\grp$ is made into a *-algebra whose multiplication is the \emph{\htmladdnormallink{convolution}{}}, and that is also endowed with the smallest $C^*$--norm which makes its \htmladdnormallink{representations}{} continuous, as shown in ref.\cite{MAB2k3}. Furthermore, for this convolution to be defined, one needs also to have a \htmladdnormallink{Haar system}{}
associated to the locally compact groupoids $\grp$
that are then called \emph{measured groupoids} because they are endowed with an associated \htmladdnormallink{Haar system}{} which involves the \htmladdnormallink{concept}{} of measure, as introduced in ref. \cite{Hahn1} by P. Hahn.

With these concepts one can now sum up the definition (or construction) of the \emph{groupoid $C^*$-convolution algebra}, or \htmladdnormallink{groupoid $C^*$-algebra}{}, as follows.

\begin{definition} a {\em groupoid C*--convolution algebra}, $G_{CA}$, is defined for \emph{measured groupoids}
as a \emph{*--algebra with ``$*$'' being defined by convolution so that it has a smallest $C^*$--norm which makes its representations continuous}.

One can also produce a functorial construction of $G_{CA}$ that has additional interesting properties.

Next we recall a result due to P. Hahn \cite{PH78} which shows how \htmladdnormallink{groupoid representations}{} relate to
induced \htmladdnormallink{*-algebra representations}{} and also how--under certain conditions-- the former can be derived from
the appropriate *-algebra representations.

(source: ref. \cite{PH78}). Any representation of a groupoid $(\grp,C)$ with \htmladdnormallink{Haar measure}{} $(\nu, \mu)$ in a \htmladdnormallink{separable Hilbert space}{} $\H$ induces a *-algebra representation $f \mapsto X_f$ of the associated
groupoid algebra $ \Pi (\grp, \nu)$ in $L^2 (U_{\grp} , \mu, \H )$ with the following properties:

(1) For any $l,m \in \H $ , one has that $\left|<X_f(u \mapsto l), (u \mapsto m)>\right|\leq \left\|f_l\right\| \left\|l \right\| \left\|m \right\|$ and
(2) $M_r (\alpha) X_f = X_{f \alpha \circ r}$, where
$M_r: L^\infty (U_{\grp}, \mu \longrightarrow L[L^2 (U_{\grp}, \mu, \H]$, with

$M_r (\alpha)j = \alpha \cdot j$.

\textit{Conversely, any *- algebra representation with the above two properties induces a groupoid representation, X, as follows:}
$<X_f , j, k> ~ = ~ \displaystyle{\int} f(x)[X(x)j(d(x)),k(r(x))d \nu (x)].$
(viz. p. 50 of ref. \cite{PH78}).

Furthermore, according to Seda (ref. \cite {Seda86,Seda2k8}), the continuity of a Haar system is equivalent to the continuity of the convolution product $f*g$ for any pair $f$, $g$ of continuous functions with compact support. One may thus conjecture that similar results could be obtained for functions with \textit{locally compact} support in dealing with convolution products of either locally compact groupoids or \htmladdnormallink{quantum groupoids}{}. Seda's result also implies that the convolution algebra $C_c (\G)$ of a groupoid $\G$ is closed with respect to convolution if and only if the fixed Haar system associated with the measured groupoid $\G$ is \textit{continuous} (see ref. \cite{MAB2k3}).

Thus, in the case of groupoid algebras of transitive groupoids, it was shown in \cite{MAB2k3} that any representation of a measured groupoid $(\G, [\displaystyle{\int} \nu ^u d \tilde{\lambda}(u)] = [\lambda])$ on a separable Hilbert space $\H$ induces a \textit{non-degenerate} *-representation $f \mapsto X_f$ of the associated groupoid algebra
$\Pi (\G, \nu,\tilde{\lambda})$ with properties formally similar to (1) and (2) above.
Moreover, as in the case of \htmladdnormallink{groups}{}, \emph{there is a correspondence between the unitary representations of a groupoid and its associated C*-convolution algebra representations} (p. 182 of \cite{MAB2k3}), the latter involving however fiber bundles of \htmladdnormallink{Hilbert spaces}{} instead of single Hilbert spaces.


P. Hahn: Haar measure for measure groupoids., \textit{Trans. Amer. Math. Soc}. \textbf{242}: 1--33(1978).

P. Hahn: The regular representations of measure groupoids., \textit{Trans. Amer. Math. Soc}. \textbf{242}:35--72(1978).
Theorem 3.4 on p. 50.

M. R. Buneci. \emph{Groupoid Representations}, Ed. Mirton: Timishoara (2003).

M.R. Buneci. 2006.,
\htmladdnormallink{Groupoid C*-Algebras.}{},
{\em Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications}, Volume 1: 71--98.

M. R. Buneci. Isomorphic groupoid C*-algebras associated with
different Haar systems., {\em New York J. Math.}, \textbf{11} (2005):225--245.

J. Renault. A groupoid approach to C*-algebras, \emph{Lecture Notes in Math}., 793, Springer,
Berlin, (1980).

J. Renault. 1997. The Fourier Algebra of a Measured Groupoid and Its Multipliers,
{\em Journal of Functional Analysis}, \textbf{145}, Number 2, April 1997, pp. 455--490.

A. K. Seda: Haar measures for groupoids, \emph{Proc. Roy. Irish Acad.
Sect. A} \textbf{76} No. 5, 25--36 (1976).

A. K. Seda: Banach bundles of continuous functions and an integral
representation theorem, \emph{Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.} \textbf{270} No.1 : 327-332(1982).

A. K. Seda: On the Continuity of Haar measures on topological groupoids, \emph{Proc. Amer Math. Soc.} \textbf{96}: 115--120 (1986).

A. K. Seda. 2008. \emph{Personal communication}, and also Seda (1986, on p.116).
