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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: general dynamic systems
%%% Primary Category Code: 00.
%%% Filename: GeneralDynamicSystems.tex
%%% Version: 15
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
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 \subsection{General dynamic system descriptions as stable space-time structures}

\subsubsection{Introduction: General system description}
A \emph{general system} can be described as a dynamical `whole', or entity capable of maintaining its working conditions; more precise system definitions are as follows.


A simple system is in general a \emph{bounded}, but not necessarily closed, entity-- here represented as a \htmladdnormallink{category}{} of stable, interacting components with inputs and outputs from the system's environment, or as a \htmladdnormallink{supercategory}{} for a complex system consisting of subsystems, or components, with internal boundaries among such subsystems. In order to define a {\em system} one therefore needs to specify the following data:

\item components or subsystems;
\item mutual interactions, \htmladdnormallink{relations}{} or links;
\item a separation of the selected system by some boundary which distinguishes the system from its environment, without necessarily `closing' the system to material exchange with its environment;
\item the specification of the system's environment;
\item the specification of the system's categorical structure and \htmladdnormallink{dynamics}{} (a supercategory will be required only when either the components or subsystems need be themselves considered as represented by a category , i.e. the system is in fact a \emph{super-system} of (sub)systems, as it is the case of \emph{emergent super-complex systems} or organisms).

Point (5) claims that a system should occupy either a macroscopic or a microscopic \htmladdnormallink{space-time}{} region, but a system that comes into birth and dies off extremely rapidly may be considered either a short-lived process, or rather, a `\htmladdnormallink{resonance}{}' --an instability rather than a system, although it may have significant effects as in the case of
`virtual \htmladdnormallink{particles',}{} `virtual photons', etc., as in \htmladdnormallink{quantum electrodynamics}{} and chromodynamics. Note also that there are many other, different mathematical definitions of systems, ranging from (systems of) coupled \htmladdnormallink{differential equations}{} to \htmladdnormallink{operator}{} formulations, \htmladdnormallink{semigroups}{}, \htmladdnormallink{monoids}{}, \htmladdnormallink{topological groupoid}{} dynamic systems and dynamic categories. Clearly, the more useful system definitions include \htmladdnormallink{algebraic}{} and/or \htmladdnormallink{topological structures}{} rather than simple, discrete structure sets, classes or their categories. The main intuition behind this first understanding of system is well expressed by the following passage: ``The most general and fundamental property of a system is the
\emph{inter-dependence} of parts/components/sub-systems or variables.''

\emph{The inter-dependence relation} consists in the existence of a family of determinate relationships among the parts or variables as contrasted with randomness or extreme variability. In other words, \emph{inter-dependence} is the presence or existence of a certain organizational order in the relationship among the components or subsystems which make up the system. It can be shown that such organizational order must either result in a \emph{stable attractor} or else it should occupy a \emph{stable space-time \htmladdnormallink{domain}{}}, which is generally expressed in \emph{closed} systems by the \htmladdnormallink{concept}{} of

On the other hand, in non-equilibrium, \htmladdnormallink{open systems}{}, such as living systems, one cannot have a \htmladdnormallink{static}{} but only a \emph{dynamic self-maintenance} in a `state-space region' of the open system -- which cannot degenerate to either an equilibrium state or a single attractor space-time region. Thus, non-equilibrium, open systems that are capable of \emph{self-maintenance} will also be \emph{generic, or structurally-stable}: their arbitrary, small perturbation from a homeostatic maintenance regime does \textbf{not} result either in completely chaotic dynamics with a single attractor or the loss of their stability. It may however involve an ordered process of change - a process that follows a \emph{determinate, multi-stable pattern} rather than random variation relative to the starting point.

\subsection{General dynamic system definition}
A formal (but natural) definition of a \emph{general dynamic system}, either simple or complex can also be specified as follows.


A \emph{general dynamic system} $S_{GD}$ is a \emph{quintuple}
$([I,O], [\lambda: I \to O], \R_S , [\Delta: \R_S \to \R_S], \grp_B)$, where:

\item $I$ and $O$ are, respectively, the input and output \htmladdnormallink{manifolds}{} of the system , $S_{GD}$;
\item $\R_S$ is a category with structure determined by the components of $S_{GD}$ as \htmladdnormallink{objects}{} and
with the links or relations between such components as \htmladdnormallink{morphisms}{};
\item $\Delta: \R_S \to \R_S$ is the `dynamic transition' functor in the \htmladdnormallink{functor category}{} $Aut_S$
of system endomorphisms (which is endowed with a \htmladdnormallink{groupoid}{} structure only in the case of reversible,
\htmladdnormallink{closed systems}{});
\item $\lambda$ is the \htmladdnormallink{output `function}{} or map' represented as a manifold \htmladdnormallink{homeomorphism}{};
\item $\grp_B$ is a topological groupoid specifying the boundary, or boundaries, of $S_{GD}$.


\textbf{Remark}. We can proceed to define automata and certain simpler quantum systems as particular, or specialized, cases of the above general dynamic system quintuple.


Hirsch, M.W. 1976. {\em Differential Topology}, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1976.

Jones, A., Gray, A., and Hutton, R., {\em Manifolds and Mechanics.}, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1987.

Kosinski, A.A., {\em Differential Manifolds}, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1993.

Kohavi, Z.,{\em Switching and Finite Automata Theory.}, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1978.

Lambek, J., and Scott, P.J., {\em Introduction to Higher Order Categorical.} Logic, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1986.

Lang, S.,{\em  Algebra.}, 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley, Menlo Park, CA, 1984.

Lang, S., {\em Differential Manifolds.}, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1985.

Lie, S.,1975. Sophus Lie's 1880 Transformation Group Paper, in {\em Lie Groups : History, Frontiers, and Applications.}, Volume 1, translated by M. Ackerman, comments by R. Hermann, Math Sci Press, Brookline, MA, 1975. Original paper 1880.

Lie, S., 1976. Sophus Lie's 1884 Differential Invariant Paper, in {\em Lie Groups : History, Frontiers, and Applications.}, Volume 3, translated by M. Ackerman, comments by R. Hermann, Math Sci Press, Brookline, MA, 1976. Original paper 1884.

