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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: fermion
%%% Primary Category Code: 05.30.Fk
%%% Filename: Fermion.tex
%%% Version: 9
%%% Owner: vip6
%%% Author(s): vip6, metalac
%%% PlanetPhysics is released under the GNU Free Documentation License.
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\emph{Fermions} are \htmladdnormallink{particles}{} with a half-integer \htmladdnormallink{spin}{} value, and they are named after the famous Italian--American, Nobel Laureate physicist Enrico Fermi who built the first known operational \htmladdnormallink{nuclear reactor}{} in Chicago as part of the Manhattan project during WWII. Several particles like \htmladdnormallink{leptons}{}, \htmladdnormallink{quarks}{} and \htmladdnormallink{baryons}{} are all fermions.

Since fermions have half-integer spin they obey a certain \htmladdnormallink{type}{} of quantum-mechanical statistics called the {\em \htmladdnormallink{Fermi-Dirac statistics}{}}, which also includes the consequences of the \htmladdnormallink{Pauli `exclusion principle';}{} the latter principle states that no two fermions can occupy the same quantum mechanical state of a quantum mechanical \htmladdnormallink{system}{}. The exclusion principle is the main reason that fermions are the building blocks of the existing physical world, and for the stability of the \htmladdnormallink{electron orbitals}{} in atoms and \htmladdnormallink{molecules}{}.

All known `elementary particles': quarks, electrons, protons, etc are fermions with a spin value of 1/2-- and this suggests that the spin 1/2 elementary particle state is a unique, fundamental state of all stable matter in our \htmladdnormallink{physical Universe}{}.

(One notes however that in superconducting systems that are usually macroscopically coherent quantum systems, the formation of phase-correlated `\htmladdnormallink{Cooper pairs}{}' of electrons coupled to the ionic lattice of the superconducting metal does apparently run counter to the Pauli exclusion principle; furthermore, the transition to \htmladdnormallink{superconductivity}{} involves necessarily a \htmladdnormallink{spontaneous symmetry breaking}{} that gives rise to \htmladdnormallink{Goldstone bosons}{} without which the superconductivity phenomenon/superconductivity phase transition would not be possible. Thus, in superconducting materials the electron pairs follow the \htmladdnormallink{Bose-Einstein statistics}{} of very low-temperature condensates and behave like coupled \htmladdnormallink{boson}{} chains, instead of the \htmladdnormallink{Fermi statistics}{} of uncorrelated electrons which is most common to high \htmladdnormallink{temperature}{} electrons; then, all such superconducting electron pairs are able to occupy the ground state with the lowest possible \htmladdnormallink{energy}{} in certain superconducting materials for temperatures below approximately 110 degree K.)

Fermions at high temperatures act on each other by exchanging \htmladdnormallink{field carrier}{} bosons, just as, for example, in the case of quarks (that are fermions) and \htmladdnormallink{gluons}{} (that are bosons) inside a \htmladdnormallink{nucleon}{}, such as a proton or a \htmladdnormallink{neutron}{} of an atomic nucleus.
